Travels in Finland and abroad

September 15, 2020

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

In English:

Hiking day1

Background information.

I know that the title is not the best, but I wanted to point out that during this road trip to the northern parts of Finland, we met reindeers everywhere! The explanation for this is that the area belongs to the northeastern reindeer herding area which is larger than the northwestern area. In 2019, there were 4461 reindeer smashes although due to modern technique to warn about collisions of reindeers. This is so called the reindeer alarm application called in Finnish Porokello. Cons of Porokello (personal opinion): Gives a false feeling of security. Overall ratings of this application are for and against based on the user experiences. Many oncoming cars blinked their headlights to warn about reindeer – it worked great!

General information.

The length of our trip was 2413km / 1499mi. It lasted 10 nights / 11 days. We spent one week in a rented summer cottage by the lake Polojärvi in the north. It was a fully equipped two-storied round log house and its jetty was very cool to sit in it in the afternoon and evenings. Silence was palpable. No sounds of a motorboats or personal watercrafts from the lake disturbed the peace! We visited also Kuusamo, Arctic Circle, Suomussalmi, Kemijärvi (two nights) and one night in Iisalmi on the return trip. On the way we drove 783km / 487mi straight to our destination.

Refutation of that reindeers eat only reindeer lichen. This what I have been taught. In practice we saw that they eat various green plants and their delicacy is fireweed or great willowherb known also rosebay.

Were there a lot of mosquitoes? Not so much! It was amazing because it was claimed in the south! Temperature varied between 15°C / 59°F to 26°C / 79°F. Rainy days: one day partly rain. Some cloudy days yes. General feeling: Successful vacation. Photos taken about 800. Pros: Pure nature, nearby lake, friendly cute reindeers, row boat, gorgeous jetty, peaceful place, own peace, hiking possibilities at 4km / 2.5mi. Cons: car needed, nearest place of shopping at 48km / 30mi.

This post:

We made two short hikes on Kylmäluoma area. Distance between our summer cottage and the hiking area was 4km /2.49mi. Kylmäluoma center offers for example these services: Motorhome parking space, tent sites, Sauna, laundry room, restaurant and gorgeous hiking possibilities. On the first hiking day our route was short. Officially it was only 4km /2.49mi but according to the pedometer more than 5,5km / 3.42mi. Maybe the official length was calculated by using the system => as the crow flies!

The area was full of pines, ponds, bilberry twigs, some burls on trees. Best of this hike was swamp crossing using duckboards built on it. Here and there we saw white hare’s-tail cotton grass (in Latin Eriophorum vaginatum). There were also some unripe Cloudberries and it seemed that ripe were picked by previous hikers. Before ending our hike, we rested a while by the Finnish type lean-to by the small lake.

Crossing the bog crowned this mini hike!

En español:

Día de Senderismo1

Información de contexto.

Sé que el título no es el mejor, pero quería señalar que durante este viaje por carretera al norte de Finlandia, ¡nos encontramos con renos en todas partes! La explicación de esto es que el área pertenece al área de pastoreo de renos del noreste, que es más grande que el área del noroeste. En 2019, hubo 4461 choques de renos aunque gracias a la tecnología moderna advertimos a los automovilistas sobre posibles colisiones de renos. Esto se llama la aplicación de alarma de renos llamada en finlandés Porokello. Contras de Porokello (opinión personal): Da una falsa sensación de seguridad. Las calificaciones generales de esta aplicación están a favor y en contra de las experiencias del usuario. Muchos autos que se acercaban parpadearon para advertir sobre los renos: ¡funcionó muy bien!

Información general.

La longitud de nuestro viaje fue de 2413 km. Duró 10 noches / 11 días. Pasamos una semana en una cabaña de verano alquilada junto al lago Polojärvi en el norte. Fue una casa de troncos redonda de dos pisos totalmente equipada y su embarcadero fue muy agradable para sentarse en la tarde y la noche. El silencio era palpable. ¡Ningún sonido de lanchas motoras o embarcaciones personales por el lago no perturbó la paz! También visitamos Kuusamo, el Círculo Polar Ártico, Suomussalmi, Kemijärvi (dos noches) y una noche en Iisalmi en el viaje de regreso. En el camino condujimos 783km / 487mi directamente a nuestro destino.

La refutación de que los renos comen solo líquenes de reno. Esto es lo que me han enseñado. En la práctica, vimos que comen varias plantas verdes y su delicadeza es el epilobio o la adelfilla.

¿Habían muchos mosquitos? No mucho! ¡Fue increíble porque fue reclamado en el sur! La temperatura varió entre 15 ° C / 59 ° F a 26 ° C / 79 ° F. Días lluviosos: un día parcialmente lluvioso. Algunos días nublados sí. Sentimiento general: vacaciones exitosas. Fotos sacadas alrededor de 800. Pros: Naturaleza pura, lago cercano, simpáticos renos, bote de remos, embarcadero hermoso, lugar tranquilo, paz propia, posibilidades de senderismo a 4 km / 2.5 mi.Contras: se necesita coche, el lugar de compras (centro comercial) más cercano a 48 km.

Esta publicación:

Hicimos dos caminatas cortas en el área de Kylmäluoma. La distancia entre nuestra casa de verano y la zona de senderismo era de 4 km / 2,49 millas. El centro de Kylmäluoma ofrece, por ejemplo, estos servicios: plaza de aparcamiento para autocaravanas, sitios para carpas, sauna, lavandería, restaurante y magníficas posibilidades de senderismo. El primer día de caminata nuestra ruta fue corta. Oficialmente eran solo 4 km / 2.49 millas, pero según el podómetro más de 5,5 km / 3-42 millas. ¡Quizás la longitud oficial se calculó usando el sistema => a vuelo de pájaro!

La zona estaba llena de pinos, estanques, ramitas de arándano, algunos lupias en los árboles. Lo mejor de esta caminata fue cruzar un pantano utilizando de una larga pasarela de madera construidas sobre él. Aquí y allá vimos pasto de algodón de cola de liebre blanca (en latín Eriophorum vaginatum). También había algunas inmaduras moras de los pantanos y parecía que las maduras ya fueron recogidas por excursionistas anteriores. Antes de terminar nuestra caminata, descansamos un ratito en el cobertizo tipo finlandés junto al pequeño lago.

¡La travesía del pantano coronó esta mini caminata!

En francais:

Journée de randonnée1

Informations d’arrière-plan

Je sais que le titre n’est pas le meilleur, mais je tenais à préciser que lors de ce road trip dans le nord de la Finlande, on a croisé des rennes partout! L’explication en est que la zone appartient à la zone d’élevage de rennes du nord-est qui est plus grande que la zone nord-ouest. En 2019, il y a eu 4461 collisions de rennes,bien que grâce à une technique moderne prévenir les automobilistes sur collisions possible de rennes. C’est ce qu’on appelle l’application d’alarme de rennes appelée en finnois Porokello. Inconvénients de Porokello (mon opinion personnelle): Donne un faux sentiment de sécurité. Les estimation globale de cette application sont pour et contre basées sur les expériences de l’utilisateurs. De nombreuses voitures venant en sens inverse ont clignoté leurs phares mettent en garde contre les rennes – cela a très bien fonctionné!

Informations générales.

La longueur de notre voyage était de 2413 km / 1499mi. Cela a duré 10 nuits / 11 jours. Nous avons passé une semaine dans un chalet d’été loué au bord du lac Polojärvi dans le nord. C’était une maison en rondins à deux étages entièrement équipée et sa jetée était fantastique pour s’y asseoir l’après-midi et le soir. Le silence était palpable. Aucun bruit de bateaux à moteur ou de motomarines du lac n’a dérangé pas la paix! Nous avons également visité Kuusamo, le cercle polaire arctique, Suomussalmi, Kemijärvi (deux nuits) et une nuit à Iisalmi au retour. Sur le chemin, nous avons conduit 783 km / 487 mi directement jusqu’à notre destination.

La réfutation du fait que les rennes ne mangent que du lichen de renne.C’est ce que j’ai appris. Dans la pratique, nous avons vu qu’ils mangent diverses plantes vertes et que leur délicatesse est antoinette, épilobe en épi, épilobe à feuilles étroites, laurier de Saint-Antoine ou épilobe.

Y avait-il beaucoup de moustiques? Pas tellement! C’était incroyable car c’était affirmé dans le sud! La température variait entre 15 ° C / 59 ° F et 26 ° C / 79 ° F. Jours pluvieux: un jour partiellement pluvieux. Quelques jours nuageux oui. Sentiment général: vacances réussies. Photos prises environ 800. Avantages: nature pure, lac à proximité, rennes sympathiques et mignons, bateau à rames, magnifique jetée, endroit paisible, calme, possibilités de randonnée à 4 km. Inconvénients: voiture nécessaire, magasin le plus proche à 48 km / 30mi.

Ce message:

Nous avons fait deux courtes randonnées dans la région de Kylmäluoma. La distance entre notre chalet d’été et la zone de randonnée était de 4 km / 2.49 millas. Le centre de Kylmäluoma offre par exemple ces services: places de stationnement pour les camping-cars, emplacements pour tentes, sauna, buanderie, restaurant et de superbes possibilités de randonnée. Le premier jour de randonnée, notre itinéraire était court. Officiellement, il ne faisait que 4 km / 2,49 mi, mais selon le podomètre, plus de 5,5 km / 3.42 mi. Peut-être que la longueur officielle a été calculée en utilisant le système => à vol d’oiseau!

La zone était pleine de pins, d’étangs, de brindilles de myrtille, quelques broussins sur les arbres. Le meilleur de cette randonnée était la traversée des marais à l’aide de caillebotis construite au-dessus de il.Ici et là, nous avons vu des linaigrettes vaginées (en latin Eriophorum vaginatum). Il y avait aussi des plaquebières non mûres et il semblait que les mûres avaient été cueillies par les randonneurs précédents. Avant de terminer notre randonnée, nous nous sommes reposés un moment près de l’appentis de type finlandais au bord du petit lac.

La traverser le marais a couronné cette mini randonnée!

Em português:

Dia de Caminhada1

Informações básicas.

Eu sei que o título não é o melhor, mas eu queria apontar que durante essa viagem às partes do norte da Finlândia, encontramos renas em toda parte! A explicação por isso é que a área pertence à área de pastagem de renas do nordeste, que é maior que a área do noroeste. Em 2019, houve 4461 acidentes com renas, embora devido à técnica moderna para avisar sobre renas. Isto se chama a aplicação de alarme de renas chamado Porokello em finlandês. Contras de Porokello (opinião pessoal): Dá uma falsa sensação de segurança. As classificações gerais deste aplicativo são a favor e contra com base nas experiências do usuário. Muitos carros que se aproximavam nos piscaram de luzes da frente, para avisar sobre as renas – funcionou muito bem!

Informação geral.

A duração da nossa viagem foi de 2413 km / 1499mi. Durou 10 noites / 11 dias. Passamos uma semana em uma cabana de verão alugada no lago Polojärvi, no norte. Era uma casa de madeira redonda de dois andares, totalmente equipada, e o seu cais era muito legal para ficar sentado à tarde e à noite. O silêncio era palpávell. Nenhum som de barcos a motor ou veículos aquáticos pessoais do lago perturbou a paz! Também visitamos em Kuusamo, no Círculo Ártico, em Suomussalmi, em Kemijärvi (duas noites) e uma noite em Iisalmi na volta. Na viagem de ida, dirigimos 783 km / 487mi direto para o nosso destino.

A refutação de que as renas comem apenas líquen. Isto é o que me ensinaram. Na prática, vimos que eles comem várias plantas verdes e a sua iguaria é Epilobium angustifolium.

Havia muitos mosquitos lá? Não muito! Foi incrível porque foi alegado no sul! A temperatura variou entre 15 ° C / 59 ° F e 26 ° C / 79 ° F. Os dias chuvosos: um dia parcialmente chuvoso. Alguns dias chuvosos sim. Sensação geral: férias de sucesso. Fotos tiradas aproximadamente 800. Prós: A natureza pura, um lago nas proximidades, as renas fofas e amigáveis, um barco a remo, um cais lindo, local tranquilo, paz própria, possibilidades de caminhadas a 4km.Contras: um carro ou taxi é necessário, o centro comercial mais próximo a 48km / 30mi.

Esta postagem:

Fizemos duas caminhadas curtas na área de Kylmäluoma. A distância entre nossa casa de verão e a área de caminhada era de 4 km / 2,49 mi. O centro de Kylmäluoma oferece, por exemplo, estes serviços: estacionamento para autocaravana, lugares para tendas, sauna, lavandaria, restaurante e fantásticas possibilidades de caminhadas. O primeiro dia de caminhada, nosso percurso foi curto. Oficialmente, era apenas 4km / 2,49mi, mas de acordo com o pedômetro mais de 5,5km / 3,42mi. Talvez o comprimento oficial tenha sido calculado usando o sistema => em linha reta!!

A área estava cheia de pinheiros, lagoas, ramos de mirtilo, alguns cecídios nas árvores. O melhor dessa caminhada foi a travessia do pântano usando algum tipo de calçadão construído sobre ele. Aqui e ali, vimos algodoeiro com “cauda de lebre” (em latim Eriophorum vaginatum).Havia também algumas amoras-árticas também conhecido como amoras-brancas-silvestres verdes e parecia que maduras foram colhidas por caminhantes anteriores. Antes de encerrar a caminhada, descansamos um pouco no alpendre de tipo finlandês (puxadinho) à beira do pequeno lago.

Atravessar o pântano coroou esta mini caminhada!

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Hiking day1 / Día de Senderismo1 / Journée de randonnée1 / Dia de Caminhada1

Links / Enlaces / Liens / Ligações:

Reindeers1 are cute / Renos1 son lindos / Rennes1 sont mignons / Renas1 são fofas

Reindeer2 are curious / Renos2 son curiosos / Rennes2 sont curieux / Renas2 são curiosas

Reindeer3 block the road / Renos3 bloquean la carretera/ Rennes3 bloquent la route/ Renas3 bloqueiam a estrada

Real hiking post north of the Arctic Circle:

Hiking to the top of Pallaskero (North of the Arctic Circle)


  1. What an adventure. You had great stamina! Good for you.

    Comment by lifelessons — September 15, 2020 @ 06:33 | Reply

    • Hello Judy.

      Thank you for your kind comment.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 15, 2020 @ 06:45 | Reply

  2. Merci pour la promenade entre les arbres et les marais.

    Comment by Lookoom — September 15, 2020 @ 07:07 | Reply

    • Bonjour Lookoom.

      Quelle douce musique que tes mots. Merci.

      Bonne journée à vous.

      Comment by Sartenada — September 15, 2020 @ 07:58 | Reply

  3. How lovely!

    Comment by Stella — September 15, 2020 @ 09:36 | Reply

    • Hello Stella.

      Thank you having made small hike thru my photos. Thank you.

      Have good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 15, 2020 @ 09:41 | Reply

  4. Hello! The coniferous forest is very nice. You were a great trip. A nice day!

    Comment by wakasahs15th — September 15, 2020 @ 10:33 | Reply

    • Hello wakasahs15th.

      I am glad that you commented our small hike. I was a little bit sick, when making this. I tell more in the next post. いつもありがとうございます!


      Comment by Sartenada — September 15, 2020 @ 10:38 | Reply

  5. Les marais sont des paysages extraordinaires! Quelle jolie balade! Merci du partage, Matti 😃
    Et c’est quoi des plaquebières? Les fruits rouges ressemblent à des framboises 🤔
    À bientôt et belle journée

    Comment by malyloup — September 15, 2020 @ 10:40 | Reply

    • Bonjour Maly

      Ce sont des baies qui poussent seulement au nord sur les marécages. La liqueur faite à partir de celui-ci est quelque chose de spécial. La Flaveur est délicieuse et je ne peux pas la décrire. À Helsinki, ils sont chers, mais dans le nord, ils sont bon marché. Nous les avons trouvé, lorsque nous vivions à la campagne à environ 50 km au nord d’Helsinki. Merci Maly.

      Bis et bonne journée.

      Comment by Sartenada — September 15, 2020 @ 10:58 | Reply

      • merci pour l’explication, Matti, et merci pour le lien! je ne connaissais pas ce fruit mais il ressemble aux mûres des ronciers de chez moi (ou bien aux framboises 😉 )

        Comment by malyloup — September 15, 2020 @ 11:02 | Reply

  6. Lovely pictures and what a wonderful place to hike 🙂

    Comment by Cathy — September 15, 2020 @ 10:41 | Reply

    • Hello Cathy.

      Thank you for leaving so kind words.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 15, 2020 @ 11:05 | Reply

  7. Beautiful forest hiking trails Matti. I love those narrow boardwalks. Hope your week is progressing well. Marion

    Comment by Little Miss Traveller — September 15, 2020 @ 11:08 | Reply

    • Hello Marion.

      It was nice walk indeed, although short. Enough to shoot photos, which is important. Thank you.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 15, 2020 @ 11:30 | Reply

  8. It is a beautiful place to go hiking! I feel as if I am transported to a magic land 🙂 I hope you and your family continue to stay safe.

    Comment by T Ibara Photo — September 15, 2020 @ 11:28 | Reply

    • Hello Takami.

      Landscapes in the north are different than in the south. We love northern these regions very much, because there man can feel to belong to the nature and being part of it. Thank you for your kind words.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 15, 2020 @ 11:38 | Reply

  9. Hello (^^)
    It was nice to have a nice hike. I think walking between the forests can be a healing experience.

    Have good days.

    Comment by saganhama — September 15, 2020 @ 12:39 | Reply

    • Hello Saganhama

      You are right, it is a healing experience and also fresh air makes ”miracles”. Thank you for your kind words.


      Comment by Sartenada — September 16, 2020 @ 06:35 | Reply

  10. Sounds like an amazing adventure. Great photos.

    Comment by Peter LocalSquare — September 15, 2020 @ 13:15 | Reply

    • Hello Peter.

      Hiking or walking in the nature makes good for a man and at same time offers possibility to shoot photos. Thank you.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 16, 2020 @ 06:40 | Reply

  11. Definitely a nice way to spend some time! I liked the little hut to take a break in and enjoy a fire if one wished.

    Comment by Deb — September 15, 2020 @ 13:25 | Reply

    • Hello Deb.

      These kinds of huts are typical. You can find them everywhere in the north. Also, they offer nice shelter during bad weather. Thank you.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 16, 2020 @ 06:47 | Reply

  12. Great post on the special beauty of the Finnish forests. I like the boardwalks, which serve to protect the environment.

    Comment by Peter Klopp — September 15, 2020 @ 14:43 | Reply

    • Hello Peter.

      Protecting environment is makes ”miracles indeed important. Saving nature for future generations is important. Thank you for your kind comment.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 16, 2020 @ 06:51 | Reply

  13. The area looks very beautiful and reminds me of a fairy forest!

    Comment by Erika — September 15, 2020 @ 15:32 | Reply

    • Hello Erika.

      Thank you leaving your kind words. I am glad that you loved my post.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 16, 2020 @ 06:57 | Reply

      • I am always looking forward to your reports. Only some years ago I discovered the beauty the European north offers.

        Comment by Erika — September 16, 2020 @ 20:50 | Reply

        • So nice words. Thank you, Erika.

          Have a wonderful day!

          Comment by Sartenada — September 17, 2020 @ 06:43 | Reply

          • You are very welcome and same to you😊

            Comment by Erika — September 17, 2020 @ 21:14 | Reply

  14. Nice photos. It looks like a great place to hike!

    Comment by marlandphotos — September 15, 2020 @ 16:17 | Reply

    • Hello Marland.

      Thank you commenting and loving my photos.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 16, 2020 @ 06:58 | Reply

  15. What a fascinating area for a hike. The boardwalk was an excellent idea for making the area accessible to hikers with minimal damage to the environment. I also like the neat shelter you pictured.

    Comment by seniorhiker — September 15, 2020 @ 16:42 | Reply

    • Hello George.

      Your visit made me very glad. Thank you for your praising and wise words.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 16, 2020 @ 07:03 | Reply

  16. Fabulous adventure!

    Comment by Sue — September 15, 2020 @ 17:23 | Reply

    • Hello Sue.

      Thank you commenting.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 16, 2020 @ 08:32 | Reply

      • You are most welcome! And have a lovely day!

        Comment by Sue — September 16, 2020 @ 09:42 | Reply

  17. I Love your posts and photos Sartenada! So interesting for me to see some of your life and country in Finland. And congrats on being able to maintain the blog in 4 languages!!

    Comment by viviennemackie — September 15, 2020 @ 17:38 | Reply

    • Hello Vivienne.

      Oh, how nice comment. Thank you. We are active people who love nature. Languages are my hobby and they keep my brains “fresh”. My wife has same hobby and many others.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 16, 2020 @ 08:39 | Reply

      • That’s wonderful, and I really admire you for that. keep it up!

        Comment by viviennemackie — September 17, 2020 @ 18:47 | Reply

  18. Beautiful photos again.
    It looks like a nice way to hike.

    Comment by 洋子 — September 15, 2020 @ 18:55 | Reply

    • こんにちは Yoko-san.



      Comment by Sartenada — September 16, 2020 @ 09:26 | Reply

  19. La Finlande prend soin de sa belle nature tout en réalisant des aménagements pour faciliter les randonnées .
    Merci , Matti, de partager avec nous vos belles découvertes .

    Comment by fauquetmichel — September 15, 2020 @ 19:02 | Reply

    • Bonjour Michel.

      Merci pour ce joli compliment. Nous adorons marcher dans la nature et cet endroit était très proche de notre maison d’été.

      Bone journée à vous MIchel,

      Comment by Sartenada — September 16, 2020 @ 09:31 | Reply

  20. Looks a lot like hiking in Alaska when I lived there for three years! I laughed about what the Reindeer eat. If they are anything like their distant cousins in Oregon, they will eat almost anything that isn’t poisonous or really bad tasting depending on how hungry they are. At least that’s what the deer herd that lives on our property does. 🙂 –Curt

    Comment by Curt Mekemson — September 15, 2020 @ 20:00 | Reply

    • Hello Curt.

      Thank you for your wise words! I have heard that an apple tree branches are their delicacy.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 16, 2020 @ 09:45 | Reply

  21. How gorgeous is that. It reminds me of an area in Germany we went as children and we had to walk on a wooden small path through the waterlogged ‘swamp’. It is great flora and very picturesque.

    Comment by utesmile — September 15, 2020 @ 20:55 | Reply

    • Hello Ute.

      Thank you praising my post and telling your expediencies. I am glad that you loved my pics.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 16, 2020 @ 10:00 | Reply

  22. Lovely! Glad to see another part of Finland that I haven’t discovered yet. Really cool that there’s a “reindeer alert” to keep the four-legged animals safe!

    Comment by Rebecca — September 16, 2020 @ 04:16 | Reply

    • Hello Rebecca.

      How glad I am when reading your praising comment. There were three previous posts in which I told reindeer life. Thank you.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 16, 2020 @ 10:10 | Reply

  23. Beautiful photos and a lovely place to go for a hike.

    Comment by suth2 — September 16, 2020 @ 08:09 | Reply

    • Hello Suth.

      Thank you for your praising words.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 16, 2020 @ 10:50 | Reply

  24. Bellísimo lugar y excelentes fotos, Matti. Muchas gracias por compartir generosamente tus viajes.
    Un abrazo.

    Comment by Isabel F. Bernaldo de Quirós — September 16, 2020 @ 10:11 | Reply

    • Hola Isabel.

      ¡Me alegra muchísimo al leer tu amable comentario! Caminar en la naturaleza es maravilloso y en este entorno es una gran alegría.

      ¡Un gran abrazo!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 16, 2020 @ 10:57 | Reply

  25. This is so beautiful and serene – I love the reflections of the trees in the water!

    Comment by Meg — September 16, 2020 @ 12:29 | Reply

    • Hello Meg.

      Thank you for your compliment. Those Reflections when passing over the swamp are nice indeed.

      Have a great day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 17, 2020 @ 06:33 | Reply

  26. Such beautiful country ~ well done with the photography, Finland would be such a great place to visit and see such nature.

    Comment by Dalo 2013 — September 16, 2020 @ 13:37 | Reply

    • Hello Dalo 2013.

      I am glad that you loved my photos and did find at same time that my country worth for a visit. Thank you.

      Have a great day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 17, 2020 @ 06:41 | Reply

  27. What a beautiful place for hiking. I love the boardwalk.

    Comment by the eternal traveller — September 17, 2020 @ 02:38 | Reply

    • Hello Carol.

      I am glad that you loved the northern regions. Boardwalks are always smart ways to protect nature and to pass over areas over which it would be impossible. Even in this case, the person would sink into the swamp. If one-foot sinks into the swamp, it’s hard to pull it off! I’m talking about this with experience. Thank you.

      Have a nice day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 17, 2020 @ 06:51 | Reply

  28. Hi Matti – I had a problem commenting last night for some reason, so will try again before I dash out the door for my walk – the sun is rising so late these days it is cutting a mile off my morning walk. This is exactly the same type of place I enjoy going to – lots of nature, lots of good exercise. I like the little walkways out in the woods and how you showed going across them … you sure do need big rubber boots for these trails. We had such muddy trails and soggy, water-soaked areas in all the parks that are along a shoreline that I never walked on one trail for the last two years. They should make a pallet type of quasi-walkway until they come up with something permanent – they tried pea gravel and heavier gravel but it has not helped much. I have some photos of the muddy trails but have not had time to get everything ready for a post … I know it takes a while to prepare posts and I will be showing trips taken in the Summer for the next two months.
    Happy hiking Matti!

    Comment by Linda Schaub — September 18, 2020 @ 13:58 | Reply

    • Hello Linda.

      Thank you for your interesting post. We knew that there were swamps and that is why we used them. This hiking area was quite typical which we have in south and middle Finland, bur in the north, there they are different. Careful preparation of posts takes its time. To me because I’ll translate my posts in four languages.

      There are many kinds of “twists” in different languages such as the forms of adjectives and verbs in different situations. I have to look for similarities in the Internet. Each translation teaches me more and more.

      Here is an example of our hiking far beyond the Arctic Circle:

      North of the Arctic Circle 9

      Waiting for your post.

      Happy weekend!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 19, 2020 @ 07:27 | Reply

      • Very nice pictures Matti – I enjoyed looking at them and made a comment on the actual post. That is quite a view and you had to hike a bit to get up there. I was wondering if you were doing the translation yourself or if you were using something like Babel Fish or using a translator on your blog itself. I was following a Swedish photographer and for each post, he did it in Swedish and English. But if you went to his site, you could click a button and it translated. That is admirable you speak so many language – I took French for many years, but never got a chance to use it, so could not translate anything these days. Have a good weekend Matti.

        Comment by Linda Schaub — September 20, 2020 @ 03:13 | Reply

        • Thank you, Linda. I want myself to translate my posts and do so! Translating keeps my brains “fresh”. This could be compared with reading books. Reading activates many parts of our brains!

          Wishing you a very happy Sunday!

          Comment by Sartenada — September 20, 2020 @ 07:42 | Reply

          • That is amazing Matti that you speak/write so many languages fluently. You are correct that we need to keep our brains active to stay young and avoid cognitive decline.

            Comment by Linda Schaub — September 21, 2020 @ 04:13 | Reply

            • Well, Linda. Speaking and writing are different in many languages. I think that it is easy for me to learn languages. Spanish, I learnt while working in Spain during 4½ month others took long time to learn.

              Have a nice day!

              Comment by Sartenada — September 21, 2020 @ 06:47 | Reply

              • I have heard that Spanish is the easiest language to learn and here in the U.S. kids learn Spanish in school, not French. I grew up in Canada so it was mandatory to learn French there. I wish I had retained more of the French I learned.

                Comment by Linda Schaub — September 22, 2020 @ 01:53 | Reply

                • Hi Linda.

                  Languages offer an open window to other cultures, history, customs, literature and music. Music is important to me. Melodies are beautiful in many countries and generally music is enjoyable causing that this music must have to listen to more. I want to offer you possibility to listen an Italian very popular song called L’italiano sung by Toto Cutugno. It helped me many years ago when I had problems I my life. I listened it “hundreds” of times with tears in my eyes.


                  Yesterday we made a road trip to my late father’s tomb. The trip was 380 miles lasting 9hours 12 minutes. In Finland we have a habit to visit at least twice on our parent’s grave; in Spring laying summer flowers and in autumn laying flowers for winter. I do not know if elsewhere in the word is a similar habit.

                  Have a nice day!

                  Comment by Sartenada — September 23, 2020 @ 07:13 | Reply

                  • Thank you for the link Matti – that was a nice song and I have never heard it before. That is a nice gesture that you make in your country to visit a parent’s grave twice per year to lay flowers on the grave … we do not have such a custom here. It shows respect for the parents in my opinion.

                    You have a nice day as well Matti.

                    Comment by Linda Schaub — September 24, 2020 @ 03:54 | Reply

                    • Hello Linda.

                      I am glad that you loved this song although it was in Italian. Music has big effect on our mood. This was one example. Music is me important. About fifteen years ago, I had possibility to help one Lady from Central America by our Finnish music. There are mainly two kinds of music: Background and listenable. Inside them of course many different kinds of music. This example from Finland is listenable:

                      Ajomies (Driver) Instrumental

                      Back to graveyards. This post shows my wife’s parents graveyard in winter:

                      Cemetery in winter

                      This shows my father’s cemetery after the storm:

                      Cemetery after storm

                      Happy days!

                      Comment by Sartenada — September 24, 2020 @ 08:53

                    • I could only comment on the “Cemetery After the Storm” post for some reason Matti. I think comments were turned off for the “Cemetery in Winter”. Such beauty in the snowy graveyard – I have not been to a graveyard in Winter – I found the pictures you did hauntingly beautiful, especially the candles that are lit at the end. Such destruction in the other post. Mother Nature certainly can be destructive. Yes, music can stir our souls – such beauty that is destined for our ears. Thank you for the links Matti. Have a good day.

                      Comment by Linda Schaub — September 25, 2020 @ 02:12

                    • Linda, it was mystery that nobody could leave comment. I checked settings, but everything seemed to be correct. We had plenty snow in 2011 and in 2012. In 2011 Helsinki was “covered” by snow. Here is my old post from those day:

                      Helsinki covered by snow

                      Thank you again.

                      BTW, did like my music? I have one surprise song you, if you are interested in it! It is a cool song. You will love it, be sure.

                      Comment by Sartenada — September 25, 2020 @ 06:48

                    • Thank you for sending the link to me Matti. That was quite a snowfall. I did like the music. I am not Italian so could not understand the words, but it was a very nice song.

                      Comment by Linda Schaub — September 26, 2020 @ 03:27

                    • Hi again Linda. Thank you.

                      It was not that Italian music, but a very beautiful instrumental music, which is yet today popular in Finland after the years. Its my most favorite music. Here is again the link to it:

                      Ajomies (Driver) Instrumental

                      I send also a surprise music you. This song is sung in Finnish and the other version in English:

                      Linda LInda (Finnish)

                      Linda LInda (English)

                      Although you do not understand Finnish, you can compere it with the English version.

                      Swinging music! Happy musical Saturday!

                      Comment by Sartenada — September 26, 2020 @ 07:15

                    • I listened to this first song “Ajomjes” – I do like it and it reminded me of something played on a steel guitar, Hawaiian-type of music as to me there is something of a tropical and light air to it. And easy to understand as there are no words, just the song – I can see why you like it Matti – I do like it too.

                      I listened to the Linda Linda in English first – how fun. I have only known one song with “Linda” in it – Conway Twitty’s “Linda on my Mind” and while it was popular, I was waitressing at a diner while attending college and everyone would come in and play it on the jukebox … the olden days. 🙂 I like that song too and yes, I can understand the words as I listened to the English version, but then went to listen to the Finnish version and it said “Video not available” so sorry I could not listen to it in Finnish.

                      I am hopefully behind in Reader and comments and I apologize for not reading this yesterday. I nodded off a few times after working around the house all day. 🙂

                      Comment by Linda Schaub — September 28, 2020 @ 02:23

                    • Linda,

                      I am glad that you did love Ajomies and English version of Linda Linda. Thank you. Well, I did find the reason for Finnish version of Linda Linda – regional restriction! It is something which do not like. I tested it using my VPN setting it to point USA.

                      I add this short video:

                      Driving in winter

                      Happy new week!

                      Comment by Sartenada — September 28, 2020 @ 06:42

                    • I did Matti – very much! I have had regional restriction happen before when I sent a news story to a blogger in the UK and they cannot open it, even though it is a reputable new organization that has the story and/or video. I don’t like driving in Winter. Five years ago this happened or a rural highway in Battle Creek, Michigan (my state, but not that close to where I live). There were 150 vehicles involved (many were speeding) and one person died, ten persons injured – you’d think it would be more than that given the circumstances. First truck slid and jack-knifed, other vehicles kept plowing into it:

                      Comment by Linda Schaub — September 29, 2020 @ 00:48

                    • Hello Linda.

                      Thank you for the video. What drivers are thinking when the visibility is zero? Why do they not slow down? I cannot understand this!

                      Have a good day!

                      Comment by Sartenada — September 29, 2020 @ 07:24

                    • Hi Matti – I sure don’t understand it either. I know they said it was a little misty so they could not see ahead, though it was not “pea soup fog” … and I guess if I saw what was ahead, I sure would try to steer in the other direction. I pray I never see anything like this. I sure don’t understand it either. Have a good day tomorrow.

                      Comment by Linda Schaub — September 30, 2020 @ 01:35

                    • Hello Linda.

                      Yes, it was awful to watch your video. Now I have published the second part of our hiking. Remember to comment my music! 🙂 Thank you.

                      Have a nice day!

                      Comment by Sartenada — September 30, 2020 @ 08:10

                    • Yes, you cringe watching it – I will be sure to see the second part of your hiking trip and your new feature about hiking. I am very far behind in Reader – I was three days behind and watched the first presidential debate last night and commentary afterward to didn’t get to sleep until midnight. I can’t vote as I’m a Canadian citizen but I wanted to watch the debate. I hate being so far behind in Reader and we are having some storms tonight so I may be off here soon anyway. Have a good day tomorrow.

                      Comment by Linda Schaub — October 1, 2020 @ 01:46

                    • Hello Linda.

                      Thank you. The debate has been followed here also. There is no hurry. You will check it when you have possibility.

                      Wishing you a wonderful day!

                      Comment by Sartenada — October 1, 2020 @ 06:45

                    • Yes, I listened to the commentary afterward and it sounded like the debate was watched all around the world which I found interesting. I’m Canadian so I can’t vote, but did want to see it, not just listen. I was doing better at catching up, but got busy at work after my boss returned from vacation so I was late getting here too. I am finding that blogging is taking about 5-6 hours after work and I was here until 11:30, even midnight … I have to stop that as it is not healthy, so been trying to be better about that. Have a good Friday!

                      Comment by Linda Schaub — October 2, 2020 @ 02:44

                    • Hello.

                      Don’t stress! For a long time, it is not healthy. Spending 5-6 hours blogging is long time. Thank you for these words.

                      Have a nice day!

                      Comment by Sartenada — October 2, 2020 @ 06:39

                    • You’re welcome Matti. I got behind last weekend in Reader and this week I have never caught up and am still about 2 1/2 days behind. I won’t make it there tonight either as it’s getting late. I have not written Monday’s post either – that will be this weekend. I need more hours in the day. You enjoy your day as well!

                      Comment by Linda Schaub — October 3, 2020 @ 03:54

                    • Hi Linda.

                      I am worried for you – too much to do!

                      Happy weekend!

                      Comment by Sartenada — October 3, 2020 @ 07:06

                    • I am looking forward to retirement Matti. I did get two walks in today as it was just a glorious Autumn day, but a little chilly. I worked the rest of the day until 7:30 p.m. in the house. You are fast asleep by now. Have a good day tomorrow.

                      Comment by Linda Schaub — October 4, 2020 @ 05:11

                    • Hi Linda.

                      Sometimes man has to think which is more important in life to be busy, busy or man himself.

                      Happy Sunday!

                      Comment by Sartenada — October 4, 2020 @ 07:58

                    • I agree with you Matti – there are many times I realize I should have waited until I was retired to start a blog … but then no one tells me I have to post three times a week either. I have enough pictures to do this, but the practical side of me says, two times a week is enough. I am behind in not only Reader, but also comments as you can see – your comment was two days ago.

                      Comment by Linda Schaub — October 6, 2020 @ 02:35

                    • Hello Linda.

                      Each of us is the master of our own lives and decides our own things. Well, I started blogging thrice in a week. it tied up too much of my life. Then I reduced it to blog twice a week. This was not good and I started to blog once in a week. However, my wife asked me with whom I am married, with her or my blog. These words made me understand what is important in my life.

                      I have blogged many years now only once every two weeks. It suites for me. Now I have time to my family and me. Slowly my wife has started to have interest to my blogging and giving ideas for photos and targets. This meant that she is interested to know how many visitors checked my new post, how many liked and how many left their comment.

                      When reducing my blogging days, I was afraid that my followers forget and reject me. This did not happen generally – some did and some didn’t. I have noticed that some of my old followers have came back. It’s really gratifying. Well, what suits me certainly doesn’t suit others.

                      Have a wonderful day!

                      Comment by Sartenada — October 6, 2020 @ 07:15

                    • Your wife made a good point Matti and you should have/could have encouraged her to start a blog on her creations (with her bags) that you showcased in a blog post you sent me one time. But she has a point.

                      Blogging is really almost a full-time job. This is the first time I have fallen this far behind and I had to work late again tonight, despite my boss being on vacation now. I have no family, so after I finish at work or on the weekend, anything I do, is subject only to my own schedule or whims. I have treated myself a lot this Summer to long walks as we had a lot of good weather, even though it was hot, we had very few rainy days.

                      I hope to put a dent in Reader tonight, but still am on comments. I don’t want to stay up so late anymore as I have as it is not healthy, especially with the pandemic and the flu just around the corner. I feel badly for loyal followers, but also know that most of them are retired so have more leisure time. It is gratifying to interact with other bloggers. If I didn’t mention it, I started my blog in February 2013 and had just two followers (by subscription – my neighbor and a fellow walker I spoke to at the Park sometimes, but has since moved away). After 4 1/2 years, someone on WordPress saw a post by me (I never used tags) and followed me and soon I had some people following and I followed back. A lot of the bloggers these last three years have stopped blogging altogether, including my first follower, or they disappear for months and resurface once or twice a year.

                      Have a good day tomorrow Matti!

                      Comment by Linda Schaub — October 7, 2020 @ 02:39

                    • Hi Linda.

                      You wrote: “Blogging is really almost a full-time job”. To me it seemed to be so, before I reduced my posting days. Well, let’s appreciate those who visit our posts and leave comments.

                      Have a nice day!

                      Comment by Sartenada — October 7, 2020 @ 06:44

                    • I am taking your words to heart Matti. It took me a lot of hours tonight to try and catch up in Reader and I’m still not caught up. I have seen my life’s tasks and chores ignored or done in a hurry because blogging has taken so much of my time. I have to divide my time better and I believe after this month is over, I will reduce my posts to two per week … one is a Wordless Wednesday post. That will make things easier and it is a good time to do it – November, the gateway to Winter. You are 100% correct Matti. Thank you for helping me see the light. You have a good day too Matti.

                      Comment by Linda Schaub — October 8, 2020 @ 03:29

                    • Hello Linda.

                      You are welcome!

                      Have good day!

                      Comment by Sartenada — October 8, 2020 @ 06:28

                    • Thank you Matti. You do the same. Friday is welcome, even though I’m going to be getting in more pantry items for over the Winter to avoid going out in bad weather so I will likely be going grocery shopping, several times over the weekend. My gathering of groceries for Winter is an annual task for me and it takes on more significance this year as I try not to go out in crowds during the Winter months due to the COVID crisis and the common flu.

                      Comment by Linda Schaub — October 9, 2020 @ 02:30

                    • Hi LInda.

                      Thank you.

                      Happy upcoming weekend!

                      Comment by Sartenada — October 9, 2020 @ 06:33

                    • Thanks Matti – I am looking forward to it … not going to go grocery shopping all day long. I got some done yesterday and need to put it away and will go for a long walk – this may be the last gasp of Summer, so I’ll enjoy it a little and just breathe. You have a good weekend too Matti.

                      Comment by Linda Schaub — October 10, 2020 @ 01:21

                    • Hello Linda.

                      Sounds good. Tomorrow it is my turn to publish a post including a nice music from my memory lane.

                      Happy new week.

                      Comment by Sartenada — October 12, 2020 @ 06:27

                    • OK, that sounds nice – I will look for it. We are having stormy weather tonight, so I’m hoping I can finish this “comments” section and move to Reader where I have not been since Friday night. I am still gathering food for Winter so I don’t have to go out in the Winter months and also regarding COVID. I hope to be done in the next week or so, then have more time to myself again. Hopefully. Have a good day tomorrow Matti.

                      Comment by Linda Schaub — October 13, 2020 @ 00:19

  29. Hienoja kuvia! Hyvää syksyä!

    Comment by Tiny — September 18, 2020 @ 22:41 | Reply

    • Hei Helen.

      Olipa mukava, kun kävit blogissani. Kiitos kauniista kehuista.

      Hyvää syksyä sinulle myös.

      Comment by Sartenada — September 19, 2020 @ 09:38 | Reply

  30. I always love reading your adventures.

    Comment by Kally — September 21, 2020 @ 17:43 | Reply

    • Hello Kally.

      Thank you for your praising words.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 23, 2020 @ 06:28 | Reply

  31. Even on an overcast day nature holds many beautiful scenes in reserve.

    Comment by tanjabrittonwriter — September 30, 2020 @ 04:29 | Reply

    • Hello.

      Thank you. I appreciate your comment very much. The second day was sunny as you can see it in my second hiking post.

      Have a wonderful day!

      Comment by Sartenada — September 30, 2020 @ 08:14 | Reply

  32. Thank you for your post. I learned something about reindeer. I had no idea they were involved in collisions. We have a similar problem here in Central Texas with our white tailed deer

    Comment by bettymccreary7347 — October 1, 2020 @ 18:17 | Reply

    • Hello Betty.

      Well, in Fact we also learnt very much about the behavior of the reindeer. It seems that in every country here and there are possibilities with the collisions of different animals. Thank you leaving your kind comment.

      Have a wonderful day!

      Comment by Sartenada — October 2, 2020 @ 06:29 | Reply

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