Travels in Finland and abroad

December 9, 2009

International coffee cup museum / Museo internacional de la taza de café / Musée international de tasse de café / Museu Internacional de xícara de café

In English:

International coffee cup museum in Posio in Finland. This museum (unique in the whole world) was opened in 1989. It is consisting more than 2000 coffee cups from more than 80 countries.

En español:

El museo internacional de la taza de café en Posio en Finlandia. Este museo (único en el mundo entero en su género) fue abierto en 1989. Consiste más de 2000 tazas de café más de 80 países.

En francais:

Le musée international de tasse de café dans Posio à Finlande. Ce musée (unique dans le monde entier) a été ouvert en 1989. Il consiste les tasses de plus de 2000 café de plus de 80 pays.

Em Português:

O Museu Internacional da xícara de café em Posio na Finlândia. Este museu (único no mundo) foi inaugurado em 1989. Há mais do que 2.000 xícara de café mais do que 80 países.

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum

International coffee cup museum


  1. Risque d’insomnie ce soir : j’ai tout bu… du regard !! 😀 Et je retourne faire les fonds de tasse, car la collection est superbe !
    Bonne journée, en passant au décaféiné !! 😉

    Comment by Marion B. — December 9, 2009 @ 08:56 | Reply

    • Bonjour Marion. T’as vu la tasse de café de Tharaud Limoges? Je admire comment belles tasses de café il y a dans le monde. Bonne journée a toi aussi et merci ta visite ici.

      Comment by sartenada — December 9, 2009 @ 09:04 | Reply

  2. I’m intrigued by this museum. I’m a huge fan of coffee! Great photographing this museum.

    Comment by Maggie — December 10, 2009 @ 12:58 | Reply

    • Thank You Maggie. I am also. Did You know that in Finland we are drinking very much coffee and then it is very natural that we have this kind of museum here. When looking at coffee drinking statistics per person, we are ranking on the second place after Norway. The consumption of amount of coffee is 10.1 kg or 22.2lbs per person.

      Happy Thursday.

      Comment by sartenada — December 10, 2009 @ 13:22 | Reply

  3. What a fantastic collection ..I hope you goy some ‘take-aways’

    Comment by seanfraser — December 11, 2009 @ 05:47 | Reply

    • Hello Sean. It was nice to hear that You liked this “special” museum.

      Comment by sartenada — December 11, 2009 @ 07:12 | Reply

  4. Is that kiss me and I’m finished

    Comment by seanfraser — December 11, 2009 @ 05:47 | Reply

  5. How very interesting – the things you can find when you look! I’m of Irish decent so my “coffee cup” is always filled with tea. Or cocoa, as you know! 🙂 And in America we call them “mugs” or “teacups.”


    Comment by Miss Em — January 5, 2010 @ 06:25 | Reply

  6. Emily, as You see there are interesting thing to be found, if one is wandering around with open eyes. Those so called coffee cups are “vanishing history” here also. Nowadays people still use them when they have feasts, but normally mugs and so we do also. Thank You leaving comment here, it was so kind.

    Comment by sartenada — January 5, 2010 @ 07:16 | Reply

  7. It’s very very beautifull…unfortunately there are not my coffee cups in the museum. I would like that one of my cups was exposed in the museum. wow …. satisfaction…

    Comment by agapanto.67 — June 1, 2010 @ 23:15 | Reply

  8. de très beau service.
    je te souhaite une bonne soirée

    Comment by frammy — December 5, 2010 @ 21:28 | Reply

    • Bonjour Frammy.

      J’espère que t’as remarquée quelque chose française chez elles.

      Merci pour ton visit.

      Comment by sartenada — December 6, 2010 @ 09:39 | Reply

  9. wondering if there is a coffee cup from my country… like this post! will be on my list on next traveling time 😉

    Comment by achasetiarso — March 11, 2012 @ 01:53 | Reply

    • Hello achasetiarso.

      I am glad that You will visit this unique museum. I do not remember if there coffee cups from Your country, but maybe then when You visit it, because they receive new cups around the world.

      Happy Sunday!

      Comment by Sartenada — March 11, 2012 @ 09:03 | Reply

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