Travels in Finland and abroad

February 12, 2020

Nile cruise6 / Crucero por el Nilo6 / Croisière sur le Nil6 / Cruzeiro no Nilo6

In English:

What to see on the Nile Cruise?

General information.

In 2011, we spent one-week vacation on the Nile cruise in Egypt. We bought all-inclusive package tour, including flights between Helsinki and Hurghada, transfers between Aswan and Hurghada, all visits on ancient temples, nights on a cruise boat with food and drinks.

How it was! Awesome. All the temples leave on visitors an unforgettable impression. There is much to see and to shoot photos. I shot 1926 photos of which I’ll present 361 in eight posts! We visited to these temples: Karnak, Luxor, Kom Ombo, Philae, Hatsesup, Colossi of Memnon.

The cruise is like making a time travel, travelling back in history for thousands of years. The scenery changes slowly and life along the banks of the Nile seems to be slow life, no hurry. From time to time we encountered other cruise ships, onshore we saw bovines, camels, fishermen, shacks, debris, palm trees, distant mountains, and as the evening progresses, spectacular sunsets.

The slow life continues on a cruise boat, eating, drinking ,sun bathing, admiring sceneries, resting and swimming in a pool. Everyday worries and care are behind and it’s time to enjoy life. The mind is filled with the excitement of waiting to see all those old temples.

This post:

Boat trip.

One of our unforgettable memories in Aswan was a boat trip. Boat ride started from Aswan and headed toward Nubian village. During the boat trip, Nile showed us gorgeous rock formations and big amount of different birds. It seemed that they accustomed to boats. We stopped at the Crocodile house. There were many camels around there, but the house was interesting. Of course, it was a tourist trap, but I found something interesting me.

On the walls were hanging beautiful painting. The walls of the buildings were turquoise and blue. Rooms inside were light pink. When continuing little bit forward on the boat cruise, we came to the area of camels and camel ridings. Camels were real “attention seekers”. It was a great joy to shoot photos about them. My wife participated in a camel ride and yet today she is proud of it. All of us are not heroes, but we are heroes of our own lives.

On the way back we saw the mausoleum of Aga Khan and the Old Cataract Hotel. It is the place where Agatha Christie, set portions of her novel Death on the Nile. Also, the 1978 movie of the novel was filmed at the hotel.

En español:

¿Qué ver en el crucero por el Nilo?

Información general.

En 2011, pasamos una semana de vacaciones en el crucero por el Nilo en Egipto. Compramos un paquete turístico con todo incluido, incluidos vuelos entre Helsinki y Hurghada, traslados entre Aswan y Hurghada, todas las visitas a templos antiguos, noches en un crucero con comidas y bebidas.
¡Fue maravilloso! Increíble. Todos los templos dejan en los visitantes una impresión inolvidable. Hay mucho para ver y tomar fotos. ¡Saqué 1926 fotos de las cuales presentaré 361 en ocho publicaciones! Visitábamos a estos templos: Karnak, Lúxor, Kom Ombo, Philae, Hatshepsut, Colosos de Memnon.

El crucero es como viajar en el tiempo, viajar en la historia durante miles de años. El paisaje cambia lentamente y la vida a lo largo de las orillas del Nilo parece ser lenta, sin prisas. De vez en cuando nos encontramos con otros cruceros, en tierra vimos bovinos, camellos, pescadores, chozas, escombros, palmeras, montañas distantes y, a medida que avanza la noche, espectaculares puestas de sol. La vida lenta continúa en un crucero, comiendo, bebiendo, tomando el sol, admirando paisajes, descansando y nadando en una piscina. Las preocupaciones y los cuidados cotidianos están atrás y es hora de disfrutar la vida. La mente está llena de la emoción de esperar para ver todos esos viejos templos.

Esta publicación:

Viaje en barco.

Uno de nuestros recuerdos inolvidables en Asuán fue un viaje en barco. El paseo en bote comenzó desde Asuán y se dirigió hacia el pueblo de Nubia. Durante el viaje en barco, Nilo nos mostró hermosas formaciones rocosas y una gran cantidad de aves diferentes. Parecía que estaban acostumbrados a los barcos. Nos paramos en la casa de los cocodrilos. Había muchos camellos por allí, pero la casa Fue muy interesante para mí. Por supuesto, era una trampa para turistas, pero encontré cosas interesantes en su interior.

En las paredes colgaban hermosas pinturas. Los muros de los edificios eran turquesas y azules.Las habitaciones interiores fueron de color rosa claro.Al continuar un poco hacia adelante en nuestro crucero en barco, llegamos a la zona de camellos y paseos en camellos.Los camellos eran verdaderos “buscadores de atención”. Fue una gran alegría tomar fotos de ellos. Mi esposa participó en un paseo en camello y, sin embargo, hoy en día ella es orgullosa de sí mismo.Todos nosotros no somos héroes, pero somos héroes de nuestras propias vidas!!!

En el camino de regreso vimos el mausoleo de Aga Khan y el Old Cataract Hotel. Es el lugar donde Agatha Christie, estableció partes de su novela Muerte en el Nilo. Además, la película de 1978 de la novela fue filmada en el hotel.

En francais:

Que voir sur le navire de croisière sur le Nil?

Informations générales.

En 2011, nous avons passé une semaine sur la croisière sur le Nil en Égypte. Nous avons acheté un forfait tout compris, comprenant les vols entre Helsinki et Hurghada, les transferts entre Assouan et Hurghada, toutes les visites dans des temples anciens, des nuits en bateau de croisière avec nourriture et boissons.

Comment c’était! Impressionnant. Tous les temples laissent aux visiteurs une impression inoubliable et profonde. Il y a beaucoup à voir et à prendre des photos. J’ai pris 1926 photos dont 361 dans huit messages! Nous avons visité ces temples: Karnak, Louxor, Kom Ombo, Philae, Hatsesup, Colosses de Memnon.

La croisière est comme un voyage dans le temps, remonter dans l’histoire depuis des milliers d’années. Le paysage change lentement et la vie sur les rives du Nil semble être lente, sans hâte. De temps en temps, nous rencontrâmes d’autres navires de croisière. À terre, nous voyions des bovins, des chameaux, des pêcheurs, des cabanes, des débris, des palmiers, des montagnes lointaines et, au fil de la soirée, des couchers de soleil spectaculaires. La vie lente continue sur le bateau de croisière: manger, boire, se bronzer, admirer des paysages, se reposer et nager dans une piscine. Les soucis et les soins quotidiens sont derrière et il est temps de profiter de la vie. L’esprit est plein d’attente de voir tous ces vieux temples.

Ce post:

Promenade en bateau.

Un de nos souvenirs inoubliables à Assouan a été une excursion en bateau. Le trajet en bateau a commencé à Assouan et s’est dirigé vers le village nubien. Au cours de la croisière, le Nil nous a montré de magnifiques formations rocheuses et une grande quantité d’oiseaux différents. Il semblait qu’ils étaient habitués aux bateaux. Nous nous sommes arrêtés à la maison de crocodile. Il y avait beaucoup de chameaux dans les environs, mais la maison était intéressante. Bien sûr, c’était un piège à touristes, mais j’ai trouvé quelque chose d’intéressant pour moi.

Sur les murs étaient suspendus de beaux tableaux. Les murs des bâtiments étaient turquoise et bleus. Les chambres à l’intérieur étaient rose pâle. Continuant un peu en avant sur notre croisière en bateau, nous sommes arrivés dans la zone des chameaux et à des promenades à dos de chameau. Les chameaux étaient de véritables “demandeurs d’attention”. Ce fut une grande joie de prendre des photos d’eux. Ma femme a participé à uner andonnée chamelière et pourtant, aujourd’hui, elle en est très fiere. Nous ne sommes pas tous des héros, mais nous sommes des héros de notre propre vie!!!

Sur le chemin du retour, nous avons vu le mausolée de l’Aga Khan et le Old Cataract Hotel. C’est l’endroit où Agatha Christie a écrit à l’hôtel des extraits de son roman Mort sur le Nil. En outre, le film du roman de 1978 a été filmé à l’hôtel.

Em português:

O que ver num cruzeiro no Nilo?

Informação geral.

Em 2011, passamos uma semana de férias no cruzeiro do Nilo no Egito. Compramos um pacote com tudo incluído, incluindo voos entre Helsinque e Hurghada, transferências entre Aswan e Hurghada, todas as visitas a templos antigos, noites em um barco de cruzeiro com alimentos e bebidas.
Como foi! Impressionante. Todos os templos deixavam aos visitantes uma impressão inesquecível. Havia muito para ver e tirar fotos. Tirei 1926 fotos, das quais vou apresentar 361 em oito postagens! Visitamos esses templos: Carnaque, Luxor, Kom Ombo, Philae, Hatsetsup, Colossos de Mêmnon.

O cruzeiro é como fazer uma viagem no tempo, viajando de volta à história por milhares de anos. O cenário muda lentamente e a vida ao longo das margens do Nilo parece ser lenta, sem pressa. De tempos em tempos, encontramos outros navios de cruzeiro; em terra, vimos bovinos, camelos, pescadores, barracos, destroços, palmeiras, montanhas distantes e, à medida que a noite avança, pôr do sol espetacular. A vida lenta continua em um barco de cruzeiro, comendo, bebendo, tomando banho de sol, admirando paisagens, descansando e nadando em uma piscina. As preocupações e os cuidados diários estão atrasados e é hora de aproveitar a vida. A mente está cheia da emoção de esperar para ver todos aqueles velhos templos.

Esta postagem:

Viagem de barco.

Uma de nossas lembranças inesquecíveis em Aswan foi uma viagem de barco. O passeio de barco começou em Aswan e seguiu em direção à vila núbia. Durante a viagem de barco, o Nilo nos mostrou lindas formações rochosas e grande quantidade de pássaros diferentes. Parecia que eles estavam acostumados a barcos. Paramos na casa dos crocodilos. Havia muitos camelos lá, mas a casa era muito interessante para mim. claro que sim, era uma armadilha para turistas, mas achei algo interessante para mim.

Nas paredes estavam penduradas pinturas bonitas. As muralhas dos prédios eram azul-turquesa e azul. Os quartos no interior eram rosa claro. Quando continuamos um pouco adiante do cruzeiro, chegamos à área e passeios de camelo. Os camelos eram verdadeiros “buscadores de atenção”. Foi uma grande alegria tirar fotos sobre eles. Minha esposa participou de um passeio de camelo e ainda hoje ela se orgulha por isso. Todos nós não somos heróis, mas somos heróis de nossas próprias vidas, mas somos heróis de nossas próprias vidas!!!

No caminho de volta, vimos o mausoléu de Aga Khan e o Old Cataract Hotel. É o local onde Agatha Christie estabeleceu partes de seu romance Morte no Nilo. Além disso, o filme do novel de 1978 foi filmado no hotel.

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco  Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Boat trip / Viaje en barco Promenade en bateau / Viagem de barco

Previous post / Publicación anterior / Post précédent / Postagem anterior

Nile cruise5

Next / Próxima / Prochain / Próximo

Nile cruise7

What to See in the Nubian Village in Aswan, Egypt

In the Footsteps of Agatha Christie: A Visit to the Old Cataract Hotel, Aswan, Egypt


  1. Great photos again, and so much to see. Wonderful birds, I am certain – a holiday of a lifetime. I would be proud too sitting on a camel. They do look sweet. 🙂

    Comment by utesmile — February 12, 2020 @ 08:52 | Reply

    • Hello Ute.

      Thank you leaving your praising words. The camel on which my wife rode, was big. To descend from the back of the camel was cool looking, maybe too cool and due to that I didn’t show any photos of it. 🙂

      Have a wonderful day!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 12, 2020 @ 09:00 | Reply

  2. I’ve never really been that enthusiastic about the idea of a Nile cruise (or any sort of cruise really) but your photos make me want to go!

    Comment by Stella — February 12, 2020 @ 08:55 | Reply

    • Hello Stella.

      Nile cruise is an experience! Maybe you someday will… Thank you commenting.

      Have a nice day!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 12, 2020 @ 09:10 | Reply

  3. Hello!
    A wonderful journey is continuing. A bird that is white and have long legs are very cute. There are many camels here. I have been riding a camel in the Chinese desert. Have a good day!

    Comment by wakasahs15th — February 12, 2020 @ 09:19 | Reply

    • Hello wakasahs15th.

      Thank you living so kind comment. My hat that you have been riding a camel!

      Have a wonderful day!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 12, 2020 @ 09:30 | Reply

  4. uite magical to be down at that level on the water rather than a cruise ship. Produces some great shots! Trip of a lifetime, I imagine 🙂 🙂

    Comment by restlessjo — February 12, 2020 @ 09:44 | Reply

    • Hello Johanna.

      Yes, It products different photos. Boat trip was awesome. Thank you.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 12, 2020 @ 11:09 | Reply

  5. Such wonderful photos! I love the very comfortable looking boat and everything you saw on your trip. Many memories 🙂

    Comment by Cathy — February 12, 2020 @ 10:00 | Reply

    • Hello Cathy.

      Thank you leaving so kind words. I am glad that you loved pics!

      Have a wonderful day!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 12, 2020 @ 11:28 | Reply

  6. Very impressive photos Matti. I had never thought of taking such a trip but your experiences are so interesting and to see all that wildlife too. Thank you for posting. Hope your week is progressing well.

    Comment by Little Miss Traveller — February 12, 2020 @ 10:28 | Reply

    • Hello Marion.

      Nile offers many kinds of surprises. Thank you loving my photos ang commenting so nicely.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 12, 2020 @ 11:33 | Reply

  7. Hello (^^)
    It was nice to be able to enjoy a Nile cruise freed from the busyness of everyday life.
    Some of the birds in the photo can be seen in Japan.

    have a good day.

    Comment by saganhama — February 12, 2020 @ 12:30 | Reply

    • Hello Saganhama.

      Thank you leaving your kind comment. Exploring the world is rewarding.

      Have a nice day,

      Comment by Sartenada — February 12, 2020 @ 12:34 | Reply

  8. Hello Matti-san,
    Awesome! It must have been an unforgettable experience to travel along this ancient river – las if living through thousands of years of history. And I am happy you could view beautiful birds too 🙂
    All best wishes to you and your family.

    Comment by T Ibara Photo — February 12, 2020 @ 13:25 | Reply

    • Hello Takami.

      Thank you. There was big amount of birds, but I could not show all of them, because this post required many photos. I am glad that you commented and loved my photos!

      Have a good day,

      Comment by Sartenada — February 12, 2020 @ 13:29 | Reply

  9. This is a great collection of photos of your trip of a lifetime. I was surprised to see the heron in your photos, quite a common bird in our neck of the woods here in Western Canada. Best wishes! Peter

    Comment by Peter Klopp — February 12, 2020 @ 15:58 | Reply

    • Hello Peter.

      Trip of lifetime – yes it was indeed! Thank you commenting.

      Have a great day!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 13, 2020 @ 07:50 | Reply

  10. I don’t think I’ve seen pictures of this portion of the Nile, and your photos are fascinating. The Crocodile House is definitely colorful. Did you see any crocodiles there? I enjoyed all the pictures of the camels. Your wife looked like a ‘pro’ during her camel ride.

    Comment by seniorhiker — February 12, 2020 @ 17:13 | Reply

    • Hello George.

      Yes, there was a crocodile, but baby one. 🙂 It was about one meter long, if I remember correct. Thank you appreciate my wife’s riding and leaving your comment!

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 13, 2020 @ 07:58 | Reply

  11. Birds look so beautiful, and
    camels and your wife look cute.

    Have a good day, マッティさん.

    Comment by 洋子 — February 12, 2020 @ 18:41 | Reply

    • こんにちは洋子さん.

      I appreciate your comment. Thank you.


      Comment by Sartenada — February 13, 2020 @ 08:05 | Reply

  12. What a wonderful trip, and more exciting photos. Thanks so much for sharing them with us. 📚🎶 Christine

    Comment by C.E.Robinson — February 12, 2020 @ 19:25 | Reply

    • Hello Christine.

      I am glad that you loved my photos and made the trip thru my photos. Thank you.

      Have a wonderful day!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 13, 2020 @ 08:07 | Reply

  13. Your photos of cruising on the Nile as just beautiful!! I didn’t realize how colorful it would be!

    Comment by Ann Coleman — February 12, 2020 @ 21:22 | Reply

    • Hello Ann.

      Cruising on the Nile is like a history, which tells what happened thousand years ago. Monuments filled with hieroglyphs are something which man cannot forget. Thank you commenting.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 13, 2020 @ 10:22 | Reply

  14. ¡ Que bonito Matti!
    Más bonito que cuando fui yo.
    Gracias por hacerme recordar 🙂 🙂

    Comment by Lu — February 12, 2020 @ 22:32 | Reply

    • Hola Louisa.

      Gracias por los cumplidos, pero estoy seguro tus fotos son incomparables.¡Me alegra que hayas comentado esta publicación!

      Un fuerte abrazo.

      Comment by Sartenada — February 13, 2020 @ 10:28 | Reply

      • Hola Matti,
        Encantada de comentar tu publicación que es estupenda.
        Un saludiño.

        Comment by Lu — February 13, 2020 @ 13:30 | Reply

  15. Looks like it was a grand tour indeed. Loved the shots of the camels! –Curt

    Comment by Curt Mekemson — February 13, 2020 @ 01:55 | Reply

    • Hello Curt.

      Thank you leaving your kind comment and loving my pics.

      Have a good day

      Comment by Sartenada — February 13, 2020 @ 11:00 | Reply

  16. It’s great to escape the winter!

    Comment by Timothy — February 13, 2020 @ 17:26 | Reply

    • Hello Timothy.

      Yes, indeed, it is. Thank you commenting.

      Have a nice day!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 14, 2020 @ 08:21 | Reply

  17. Well done to your wife! Camel riding isn’t as easy as it sounds but it’s a great memory to have.

    Comment by the eternal traveller — February 15, 2020 @ 03:40 | Reply

    • Hello Carol.

      She is yet today proud of it! 🙂 I am glad that you visited my site and left your kind words. Thank you. Thank you.

      Happy weekend!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 15, 2020 @ 08:15 | Reply

  18. I think you have good trip.
    I want to go here.
    I’m happy for looking your animals’ photos.

    Comment by キース — February 15, 2020 @ 08:16 | Reply

    • こんにちはキースさん.

      Yes, it was indeed. It is worth of visit ablsolutely! コメントありがとうございます。


      Comment by Sartenada — February 15, 2020 @ 08:29 | Reply

  19. Wonderful to experience a taste of the Nile with you, Matti. Appreciate the fantastic photos and info.

    Comment by Jet Eliot — February 16, 2020 @ 18:02 | Reply

    • Hello Jet.

      I am glad that you enjoyed my post and the photos. Thank you leaving your kind comment.

      Happy new week!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 17, 2020 @ 07:53 | Reply

  20. Hello Matti! Just coming to say how much I enjoyed the continuation of your Nile blog series! So many different impressions! This time I particularly enjoyed the photos of the birds as well as the photos showing Anja riding on a camel. What an adventurous holiday time! 🙂
    I’m sending warm regards and wish a rather good start of the new week!

    Comment by ladyfromhamburg — February 16, 2020 @ 23:00 | Reply

    • Hello Michèle.

      What a great joy it was to read your praising comment and notice that you visited my blog. I am very glad that you enjoyed my photos. Anja is yet today of her camel riding! Thank you.

      Happy new week to you and yours,

      Comment by Sartenada — February 17, 2020 @ 08:09 | Reply

  21. I had a chance once to ride a camel here in Texas, but I wasn’t so brave to do so! I enjoyed all the pretty colors, and I was surprised to see so many bird species which we also have here. The black and white bird with the long pink legs is a black-necked stilt, and I think the one with the bright purple and blue feathers and the red beak and legs is a gallinule of some sort. It’s fun to see those natural connections that can be so unexpected. The boats are lovely, too. It’s good that they have sun shades — it’s obviously very bright there!

    Comment by shoreacres — February 18, 2020 @ 16:24 | Reply

    • Hello shoreacres.

      Oh, thank you for your kind comments. I do not know birds, so thank you telling about them. This boat trip was a very nice “side hop” to show what Egypt offers than history! I am glad that you visited my site and loved my photos.

      Have a wonderful day!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 19, 2020 @ 07:38 | Reply

  22. WOW, what an awesome trip!

    Comment by denisebushphoto — February 24, 2020 @ 00:02 | Reply

    • Hello Denise.

      Thank you leaving your praising comment.

      Have a great start of new week!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 24, 2020 @ 07:32 | Reply

  23. The camels put a smile on my face, with all their ornaments. A big Bravo 👏for your wife ,riding a camel would be fun. Enjoyed seeing all the bird photos. Definitely an interesting trip, thanks again for sharing.

    Comment by Deb — February 24, 2020 @ 02:57 | Reply

    • Hello Deb.

      This was the first time, when I had a possibility to shoot camel photos. Thank you for your kind comment.

      Have a nice day!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 24, 2020 @ 07:40 | Reply

  24. Thanks so much for including our post as a resource! Your photos are stunning, happy to see you’ve enjoyed your stay as much as we did!

    Comment by tayaramuse — February 27, 2020 @ 07:19 | Reply

    • Hello tayaramuse.

      Thank you leaving your kind comment and praising my photos.

      Have a wonderful day!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 27, 2020 @ 08:04 | Reply

  25. nice

    Comment by jumma mubarak — February 27, 2020 @ 09:44 | Reply

    • Thank you commenting.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 27, 2020 @ 11:06 | Reply

  26. That’s a grand tour!!

    Comment by Amy — February 27, 2020 @ 16:17 | Reply

    • Amy, it was indeed. Nile and ancient temples offer very much for history lovers. Thank commenting.

      Happy upcoming weekend!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 28, 2020 @ 07:50 | Reply

  27. Bonjour Matti,
    Que de beaux souvenirs ramenés de ce voyage. J’aime bien sûr les bateaux mais aussi les fresques sur les murs et ces demeures peintes en vert et en bleu.
    Bises et bonne fin de journée.

    Comment by Marion B. — February 27, 2020 @ 18:53 | Reply

    • Bonjour Marion.

      Je vous demande pardon, quand je ne vous donnais pas le bon poste! Voice le bon:

      Nile cruise4

      Il y a beaucoup de photos montrant plusiers Felouques! Je suis content que vous ayez aimé ce post. Merci.

      Bises et bonne journée!

      Comment by Sartenada — February 28, 2020 @ 07:44 | Reply

      • Merci Matti. Je viens de passer un bon moment autour de tous ces bateaux !
        Bises et bon week-end.

        Comment by Marion B. — February 28, 2020 @ 22:22 | Reply

        • Merci beaucoup Marion!

          Gros bisous,

          Comment by Sartenada — February 29, 2020 @ 09:16 | Reply

  28. Wow – really fabulous pictures!

    Comment by ladyfi — March 6, 2020 @ 06:50 | Reply

    • Hello Fiona.

      I appreciate your comment very much. Thank you.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — March 6, 2020 @ 07:37 | Reply

  29. j’avais loupé ce magnifique épisode sur le nil alors qu’il y a des oiseaux et ils sont fabuleux!

    Comment by malyloup — April 16, 2020 @ 00:51 | Reply

    • Bonjour Maly.

      Chouette, que vous l’ayez remarqué et que vous l’ayez aimé. Je suis heureux de votre commentaire élogieux. Mieux vaut tard que jamais! 🙂

      Restez en sécurité et en bonne santé!

      Comment by Sartenada — April 16, 2020 @ 06:46 | Reply

  30. It looks like super trip! Have a nice summer 🙂 Bye. Kamila

    Comment by Kamila Pala — June 23, 2020 @ 15:01 | Reply

    • Hello Kamila.

      It was a dream trip and it will stay long time in our memories. Thank You.

      Have a great day!

      Comment by Sartenada — June 24, 2020 @ 07:17 | Reply

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