Travels in Finland and abroad

October 13, 2020

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

In English:

Arctic Circle and Covid-19

Background information.

I know that the title is not the best, but I wanted to point out that during this road trip to the northern parts of Finland, we met reindeers everywhere! The explanation for this is that the area belongs to the northeastern reindeer herding area which is larger than the northwestern area. In 2019, there were 4461 reindeer smashes although due to modern technique to warn about collisions of reindeers. This is so called the reindeer alarm application called in Finnish Porokello. Cons of Porokello (personal opinion): Gives a false feeling of security. Overall ratings of this application are for and against based on the user experiences. Many oncoming cars blinked their headlights to warn about reindeer – it worked great!

General information.

The length of our trip was 2413km / 1499mi. It lasted 10 nights / 11 days. We spent one week in a rented summer cottage by the lake Polojärvi in the north. It was a fully equipped two-storied round log house and its jetty was very cool to sit in it in the afternoon and evenings. Silence was palpable. No sounds of a motorboats or personal watercrafts from the lake disturbed the peace! We visited also Kuusamo, Arctic Circle, Suomussalmi, Kemijärvi (two nights) and one night in Iisalmi on the return trip. On the way we drove 783km / 487mi straight to our destination.

Refutation of that reindeers eat only reindeer lichen. This what I have been taught. In practice we saw that they eat various green plants and their delicacy is fireweed or great willowherb known also rosebay.

Were there a lot of mosquitoes? Not so much! It was amazing because it was claimed in the south! Temperature varied between 15°C / 59°F to 26°C / 79°F. Rainy days: one day partly rain. Some cloudy days yes. General feeling: Successful vacation. Photos taken about 800. Pros: Pure nature, nearby lake, friendly cute reindeers, row boat, gorgeous jetty, peaceful place, own peace, hiking possibilities at 4km / 2.5mi. Cons: car needed, nearest place of shopping at 48km / 30mi.

This post:

We have visited the Arctic Circle many time, summer, autumn and winter. Winter is the best time. What happened there when Covid-19 raged around the world? It was sad to see how empty it was, missing visitors. There were visitors, but few coming abroad. What to photograph? Well, I decided to shoot mainly signs.

We tried to visit Santa, but he was too busy with families which wanted a photo of him. It seemed that many thought in the same way than us: Now or never to have a photo with Santa.

My music corner or better said music from my Memory Lane. I started this corner to present beautiful music around the world. Many of them are instrumental music due to help people who cannot understand lyrics of the song.

Why this music in this post? This beautiful music I heard when I was in school in 60s. We had one hour off before the next class once a week. We spent it with a few of my schoolmates at a nearby bar equipped with a Jukebox. Its sound was magic. In those days the Shadows was popular and we used to listen to their Ghost riders in the sky. Its melody captured our minds! During the years the technique has developed, meaning that music videos nowadays are excellent. This version which I present now is played by Geoff Reeves from Portsmouth, United Kingdom. He is a very skilled guitarist in my opinion.

2. Ghost riders in the sky

En español:

Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19

Información de contexto.

Sé que el título no es el mejor, pero quería señalar que durante este viaje por carretera al norte de Finlandia, ¡nos encontramos con renos en todas partes! La explicación de esto es que el área pertenece al área de pastoreo de renos del noreste, que es más grande que el área del noroeste. En 2019, hubo 4461 choques de renos aunque gracias a la tecnología moderna advertimos a los automovilistas sobre posibles colisiones de renos. Esto se llama la aplicación de alarma de renos llamada en finlandés Porokello. Contras de Porokello (opinión personal): Da una falsa sensación de seguridad. Las calificaciones generales de esta aplicación están a favor y en contra de las experiencias del usuario. Muchos autos que se acercaban parpadearon para advertir sobre los renos: ¡funcionó muy bien!

Información general.

La longitud de nuestro viaje fue de 2413 km. Duró 10 noches / 11 días. Pasamos una semana en una cabaña de verano alquilada junto al lago Polojärvi en el norte. Fue una casa de troncos redonda de dos pisos totalmente equipada y su embarcadero fue muy agradable para sentarse en la tarde y la noche. El silencio era palpable. ¡Ningún sonido de lanchas motoras o embarcaciones personales por el lago no perturbó la paz! También visitamos Kuusamo, el Círculo Polar Ártico, Suomussalmi, Kemijärvi (dos noches) y una noche en Iisalmi en el viaje de regreso. En el camino condujimos 783km / 487mi directamente a nuestro destino.

La refutación de que los renos comen solo líquenes de reno. Esto es lo que me han enseñado. En la práctica, vimos que comen varias plantas verdes y su delicadeza es el epilobio o la adelfilla.

¿Habían muchos mosquitos? No mucho! ¡Fue increíble porque fue reclamado en el sur! La temperatura varió entre 15 ° C / 59 ° F a 26 ° C / 79 ° F. Días lluviosos: un día parcialmente lluvioso. Algunos días nublados sí. Sentimiento general: vacaciones exitosas. Fotos sacadas alrededor de 800. Pros: Naturaleza pura, lago cercano, simpáticos renos, bote de remos, embarcadero hermoso, lugar tranquilo, paz propia, posibilidades de senderismo a 4 km / 2.5 mi.Contras: se necesita coche, el lugar de compras (centro comercial) más cercano a 48 km.

Esta publicación:

Hemos visitado el Círculo Polar Ártico muchas veces, en verano, otoño e invierno. El invierno es la mejor época. ¿Qué sucedió allí cuando Covid-19 hizo estragos en todo el mundo? Fue triste ver que vacío lo estaba, visitantes faltantes. Había visitantes, pero pocos que venían al extranjero. ¿Qué fotografiar? Bueno, decidí sacar principalmente carteles.

Intentamos visitar a Santa, pero estaba demasiado ocupado con familias que querían una foto de él. Parecía que muchos pensaban de la misma manera que nosotros: ahora o nunca tener una foto con Santa.

Mi rinconcito musical o mejor dicho la musica de mis recuerdos. Comencé este rinconcito para presentar música hermosa alrededor del mundo. Muchos de ellos son música instrumental, pero no todas, para ayudar a las personas que no pueden entender la letra de las canciónes.

¿Por qué esta música en esta publicación? Esta hermosa música la escuché cuando estaba en la escuela en los 60. Teníamos una hora libre antes de la siguiente clase una vez a la semana. Lo pasamos con algunos de mis compañeros de escuela en un bar cercano equipado con una gramola. Su sonido era mágico. En aquellos días, “The Shadows” era popular y solíamos escuchar a sus” Jinetes fantasmas en el cielo”. ¡Su melodía capturó nuestras mentes! A lo largo de los años la técnica se ha desarrollado, lo que significa que los videos musicales hoy en día son excelentes. Esta versión que presento hoy es interpretada por Geoff Reeves de Portsmouth, Reino Unido. En mi opinión, es un guitarrista muy hábil.

2. Jinetes fantasmas en el cielo

Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 :

Journée de randonnée2

Informations d’arrière-plan

Je sais que le titre n’est pas le meilleur, mais je tenais à préciser que lors de ce road trip dans le nord de la Finlande, on a croisé des rennes partout! L’explication en est que la zone appartient à la zone d’élevage de rennes du nord-est qui est plus grande que la zone nord-ouest. En 2019, il y a eu 4461 collisions de rennes,bien que grâce à une technique moderne prévenir les automobilistes sur collisions possible de rennes. C’est ce qu’on appelle l’application d’alarme de rennes appelée en finnois Porokello. Inconvénients de Porokello (mon opinion personnelle): Donne un faux sentiment de sécurité. Les estimation globale de cette application sont pour et contre basées sur les expériences de l’utilisateurs. De nombreuses voitures venant en sens inverse ont clignoté leurs phares mettent en garde contre les rennes – cela a très bien fonctionné!

Informations générales.

La longueur de notre voyage était de 2413 km / 1499mi. Cela a duré 10 nuits / 11 jours. Nous avons passé une semaine dans un chalet d’été loué au bord du lac Polojärvi dans le nord. C’était une maison en rondins à deux étages entièrement équipée et sa jetée était fantastique pour s’y asseoir l’après-midi et le soir. Le silence était palpable. Aucun bruit de bateaux à moteur ou de motomarines du lac n’a dérangé pas la paix! Nous avons également visité Kuusamo, le cercle polaire arctique, Suomussalmi, Kemijärvi (deux nuits) et une nuit à Iisalmi au retour. Sur le chemin, nous avons conduit 783 km / 487 mi directement jusqu’à notre destination.

La réfutation du fait que les rennes ne mangent que du lichen de renne.C’est ce que j’ai appris. Dans la pratique, nous avons vu qu’ils mangent diverses plantes vertes et que leur délicatesse est antoinette, épilobe en épi, épilobe à feuilles étroites, laurier de Saint-Antoine ou épilobe.

Y avait-il beaucoup de moustiques? Pas tellement! C’était incroyable car c’était affirmé dans le sud! La température variait entre 15 ° C / 59 ° F et 26 ° C / 79 ° F. Jours pluvieux: un jour partiellement pluvieux. Quelques jours nuageux oui. Sentiment général: vacances réussies. Photos prises environ 800. Avantages: nature pure, lac à proximité, rennes sympathiques et mignons, bateau à rames, magnifique jetée, endroit paisible, calme, possibilités de randonnée à 4 km. Inconvénients: voiture nécessaire, magasin le plus proche à 48 km / 30mi.

Ce message:

Nous avons visité le cercle polaire arctique de nombreuses fois, en été, automne et hiver.L’hiver est la meilleure saison. Que s’est-il passé là-bas lorsque Covid-19 a fait rage dans le monde? C’était triste de voir à quel point c’était vide, des visiteurs manquants. Il y avait des visiteurs, mais peu sont venus de l’étranger. Que photographier? Eh bien, j’ai décidé de tirer principalement des signalisations.

Nous avons essayé de rendre une visite chez le Père Noël, mais il était trop occupé avec les familles qui voulaient une photo de lui. Il semblait que beaucoup pensaient de la même manière que nous: maintenant ou jamais avoir une photo avec le Père Noël.

Mon coin musique ou mieux dit la musique de mon “Chemin des souvenirs”. J’ai commencé ce coin pour présenter de la belle musique à travers le monde. Beaucoup d’entre eux sont de la musique instrumentale pour aider les personnes qui ne peuvent pas comprendre les paroles de la chanson.

Pourquoi cette musique dans ce post? Cette belle musique que j’ai entendue quand j’étais à l’école dans les années 60. Nous avions une heure de congé avant le prochain cours une fois par semaine. Nous l’avons passé avec quelques-uns de mes camarades de classe dans un bar voisin équipé d’un Juke-box Son son était magique. À cette époque, les Shadows étaient populaires et nous écoutions leurs “Cavaliers fantômes dans le ciel”. Sa mélodie a captivé nos esprits! Au fil des années, la technique s’est développée, ce qui signifie que les vidéos musicales sont aujourd’hui excellents. Cette version que je présente maintenant est jouée par Geoff Reeves de Portsmouth, Royaume-Uni. C’est un guitariste très doué à mon avis.

2. Cavaliers fantômes dans le ciel

Em português:

Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Informações básicas.

Eu sei que o título não é o melhor, mas eu queria apontar que durante essa viagem às partes do norte da Finlândia, encontramos renas em toda parte! A explicação por isso é que a área pertence à área de pastagem de renas do nordeste, que é maior que a área do noroeste. Em 2019, houve 4461 acidentes com renas, embora devido à técnica moderna para avisar sobre renas. Isto se chama a aplicação de alarme de renas chamado Porokello em finlandês. Contras de Porokello (opinião pessoal): Dá uma falsa sensação de segurança. As classificações gerais deste aplicativo são a favor e contra com base nas experiências do usuário. Muitos carros que se aproximavam nos piscaram de luzes da frente, para avisar sobre as renas – funcionou muito bem!

Informação geral.

A duração da nossa viagem foi de 2413 km / 1499mi. Durou 10 noites / 11 dias. Passamos uma semana em uma cabana de verão alugada no lago Polojärvi, no norte. Era uma casa de madeira redonda de dois andares, totalmente equipada, e o seu cais era muito legal para ficar sentado à tarde e à noite. O silêncio era palpávell. Nenhum som de barcos a motor ou veículos aquáticos pessoais do lago perturbou a paz! Também visitamos em Kuusamo, no Círculo Ártico, em Suomussalmi, em Kemijärvi (duas noites) e uma noite em Iisalmi na volta. Na viagem de ida, dirigimos 783 km / 487mi direto para o nosso destino.

A refutação de que as renas comem apenas líquen. Isto é o que me ensinaram. Na prática, vimos que eles comem várias plantas verdes e a sua iguaria é Epilobium angustifolium.

Havia muitos mosquitos lá? Não muito! Foi incrível porque foi alegado no sul! A temperatura variou entre 15 ° C / 59 ° F e 26 ° C / 79 ° F. Os dias chuvosos: um dia parcialmente chuvoso. Alguns dias chuvosos sim. Sensação geral: férias de sucesso. Fotos tiradas aproximadamente 800. Prós: A natureza pura, um lago nas proximidades, as renas fofas e amigáveis, um barco a remo, um cais lindo, local tranquilo, paz própria, possibilidades de caminhadas a 4km.Contras: um carro ou taxi é necessário, o centro comercial mais próximo a 48km / 30mi.

Esta postagem:

Visitamos o Círculo Polar Ártico muitas vezes, no verão, outono e inverno. O inverno é a melhor estação. O que aconteceu lá quando a Covid-19 se espalhou ao redor do mundo? Era triste ver como estava vazio, quase sem visitantes do exterior. Havia visitantes, mas poucos vieram do estrangeiro. O que fotografar? Bem, decidia filmar principalmente sinais.

Tentamos visitar a Papai Noel, mas ele estava muito ocupado com as famílias que queriam uma foto com ele. Parecia que muitos pensavam da mesma maneira que nós: agora ou nunca para tirar uma foto com o Papai Noel.

O meu canto de música, ou melhor, música da minha “Via da memória”. Comecei este canto para apresentar belas músicas ao redor do mundo. Muitos deles são música instrumental para ajudar pessoas que não conseguem entender a letra da música.

Por que essa música neste post? Essa linda música que ouvi quando estava na escola nos anos 60. Tínhamos uma hora de folga antes da próxima aula, uma vez por semana. Passamos com alguns de meus colegas de escola em um bar próximo equipado com uma Jukebox. O seu som era mágico. Naquela época, “The Shadows” era popular e costumávamos ouvir seus “Cavaleiros fantasmas no céu”. A sua melodia capturou nossas mentes! Com o passar dos anos a técnica foi se desenvolvendo, fazendo com que os videoclipes hoje em dia sejam excelentes. Esta versão que apresento agora é tocada por Geoff Reeves de Portsmouth, Reino Unido. Ele é um guitarrista muito habilidoso na minha opinião.

2. Cavaleiros fantasmas no céu

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

Arctic Circle and Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico y Covid-19 / Cercle polaire arctique et Covid-19 / Círculo Polar Ártico e Covid-19

All our visits to the Arctic Circle / Todas nuestras visitas al Círculo Polar Ártico / Toutes nos visites du cercle polaire arctique / Todas as nossas visitas ao Círculo Polar Ártico


Beyond the Arctic Circle1 / Más allá del Círculo Polar Ártico1 / Au-delà du Cercle arctique1



North of Arctic Circle 12 / Al norte del Círculo polar ártico 12 / Au nord du Cercle Arctique 12 / Ao norte do Círculo Polar Ártico 12


Roosevelt log Cabin / Cabaña de Roosevelt / Cabane de Roosevelt / Cabana de Roosevelt


Reindeer rides and Santa / Paseos en rennes et Père Noël / Promenades en rennes y Papa Noel / Passeios de Rennes e Papai Noel


  1. C’est donc Noël toute l’année en Finlande, et est-ce pareil avec les cadeaux arrivent-ils toute l’année?

    Comment by Lookoom — October 13, 2020 @ 07:14 | Reply

    • Bonjour Lookom.

      Oui, nous avons Noël tous les jours ici, mais pas maintenant à cause de Covid-19. 🙂 A propos des cadeaux, je ne sais pas, car tout le monde les reçoit s’ils les reçoivent! 🙂 Bienvenue un jour pour en faire l’expérience.Merci pour ce joli compliment.

      Bonne journée à vous.

      Comment by Sartenada — October 13, 2020 @ 07:31 | Reply

  2. effectivement, il y avait peu de visiteurs! mais c’est toujours un plaisir de parcourir ces lieux avec toi et ton épouse 🙂
    bises et belle journée, Matti

    Comment by malyloup — October 13, 2020 @ 08:15 | Reply

    • Bonjour Maly.

      Merci de m’avoir fait un commentaire. Quel plaisir de lire que vous aimez nos aventures!!!

      Gros bisous.

      Comment by Sartenada — October 13, 2020 @ 08:21 | Reply

  3. I would love to go further north and see all those reindeer. Sounds like a really “cool” trip. 🙂 Sorry, you didn’t get to talk to Santa.

    Comment by hjonasson — October 13, 2020 @ 08:18 | Reply

    • Hello Heather.

      Reindeer are only in winter there. Now they roam free in the nature. I am glad that you loved my post. Thank you.

      Have a nice day!

      Comment by Sartenada — October 13, 2020 @ 08:34 | Reply

  4. Ne trouves tu pas étrange, Matti, que noêl soit fêté toute l’ année et non seulemt le 25 Décembre ?
    Cela fait commercial .Non ?

    Comment by fauquetmichel — October 13, 2020 @ 08:22 | Reply

    • Bonjour Michel.

      Eh bien, pas si étrange, parce que j’y suis habitué!!! 🙂 Quoi qu’il en soit, en visitant là-bas et en écoutant des chansons de Noël, on a l’impression que c’est Noël. 🙂 Bien sûr vous comprenez que c’est aussi un piège à touristes, mais agréable. Quand on trouve combien de fois nous y sommes allés, il doit y avoir quelque chose de magique – vraiment. Il est vrai que Noël n’est qu’une fois par an.


      Comment by Sartenada — October 13, 2020 @ 08:44 | Reply

      • Il est vrai qu’on est toujours heureux dans l’ ambiance de Noël . Cela réjouit le coeur.

        Comment by fauquetmichel — October 13, 2020 @ 23:04 | Reply

        • Chacun de nous a un petit enfant en nous!

          Comment by Sartenada — October 14, 2020 @ 06:44 | Reply

          • J ‘ ai vu à nouveau ce blog sur ce village au cercle artique . Il est vraiment bien équipé pour une activité touristique . Cette année cependant, ici comme partout, les commerces souffrent avec le Covid.
            La video est aussi très agréable à écouter.
            Michel .

            Comment by fauquetmichel — October 19, 2020 @ 14:44 | Reply

            • Bonjour Michel.

              Tu as raison. Nous avons rêvé de voyager cet été en Italie l’hiver dernier, mais le coronavirus est arrivé et les rêves ont été abandonnés. Je suis très heureux que vous avez vu ma vidéo de musique. La prochaine fois, il y aura un maître de guitare finlandais. Après cela, je changerai le style de la musique. Soyez sûr que je présenterai de la musique française. C’était dans les années 70, quand j’ai emprunté des disques à l’Institut français de Finlande à Helsinki. J’ai eu la possibilité de savoir à quel point la musique français est belle dans votre pays!

              Bonne journée à vous,

              Comment by Sartenada — October 20, 2020 @ 06:46 | Reply

              • J’attends ce musicien finlandais avec plaisir

                Comment by fauquetmichel — October 20, 2020 @ 23:14 | Reply

                • Oh que c’est sympa! C’est une musique traditionnelle, belle, instrumentale et écoutable. Merci mon ami. Matti

                  Comment by Sartenada — October 21, 2020 @ 06:40 | Reply

  5. that looks great, really better to go outside Christmas as I can see it is rather empty, which I like. I do think one has to go there once in their lifetime. It is still on my list….. only 2260 km from London. 🙂

    Comment by utesmile — October 13, 2020 @ 08:29 | Reply

    • Hello Ute.

      It is a great place and absolutely worth for a visit. Welcome someday! Thank you.

      Have a good day.

      Comment by Sartenada — October 13, 2020 @ 08:58 | Reply

  6. Looks like a great place to visit 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

    Comment by Cathy — October 13, 2020 @ 09:14 | Reply

    • Hello Cathy.

      It is indeed. Welcome to meet Santa and in winter to have a reindeer ride. Thank you.

      Have great day!

      Comment by Sartenada — October 13, 2020 @ 09:31 | Reply

  7. Ghost Riders in the Sky y “The Shadows” es una música como muy bien dices que acompañó nuestra juventud. Gracias, MAtti por este rincón musical.
    Y gracias también por tu información y conjunto de fotografías de vuestra visita al Círculo Polar Ártico cuando ya el Covid-19 empezó a hacer daño a la población, al turismo y economía. Este verano Madrid era una ciudad “desnuda”, sin turistas, especialmente extranjeros. Ha sido todo muy desolador y lo sigue siendo, Matti. Este virus (y la mala política) está arrasando con todo.
    Un gran abrazo.

    Comment by Isabel F. Bernaldo de Quirós — October 13, 2020 @ 10:27 | Reply

    • Hola Isabel.

      ¡¡¡Qué gran alegría leer que te encantó mi música !!! Después de algunas publicaciones, presentaré una canción española cantada en español – Jeanette – Porque Te Vas. ¡Estoy tan feliz! Gracias. Es triste que en todas partes los lugares estén cerrados o casi. Hemos leído todos los días por la mañana de nuestro mayor periódico cuál es la situación en el mundo y naturalmente en España. Me siento muy triste. Solo caminamos y hacemos algunas compras. ¡En nuestro corazón esperamos que algún día esto termine!

      Un fuerte abrazo,

      Comment by Sartenada — October 13, 2020 @ 10:47 | Reply

  8. Strangely and eerily quiet! I know people claim things like that are only for kids, but I disagree. We thoroughly enjoyed Moomin World when we visited and I’ll bet we’d have enjoyed the Arctic Circle too.

    Comment by Stella — October 13, 2020 @ 10:58 | Reply

    • Hello Stella.

      Thank you for your kind words. May I ask you what editor you are using – old on or new one?

      Have a great day!

      Comment by Sartenada — October 13, 2020 @ 11:00 | Reply

      • I use the old version, the classic. I really don’t much like the new version. It’s usable but it lacks the features I use most.

        Comment by Stella — October 14, 2020 @ 09:29 | Reply

        • Hi Stella.

          I use the classic also. I think that it takes time, when I have learnt Gutenberg. Well, when we have enough time? Thank you.

          Comment by Sartenada — October 14, 2020 @ 11:05 | Reply

  9. Hello! The Arctic Circle is a place I admire. I can’t go because it’s far away, but I enjoyed it on your blog. Thank you. Have a good day!

    Comment by wakasahs15th — October 13, 2020 @ 11:06 | Reply

    • Hello wakasahs15th.

      Yes, it is far away indeed. Anyway, it is nice that you visited it virtually thru my pics. Thank you.


      Comment by Sartenada — October 13, 2020 @ 11:09 | Reply

  10. I enjoyed all the details. Now, I want to taste cloudberries! I think cloudberry pie would be heavenly!

    Comment by shoreacres — October 13, 2020 @ 13:11 | Reply

    • Hello Linda.

      Thank you for your kind words. Well, cloudberry pie, we never thought it. Normally it is used with pancakes. Cloudberry liqueur is special drink. When travelling we buy one bottle of it. Arctic raspberry is more special than cloudberry. The Arctic raspberry liqueur is “heavenly”. It is quite rare, but worth for buying it at Helsinki airport.

      Have a wonderful day!

      Comment by Sartenada — October 14, 2020 @ 06:58 | Reply

  11. Beautiful photos from Santa’s territory, Satenada!

    Comment by Peter Klopp — October 13, 2020 @ 15:47 | Reply

    • Hello Peter.

      Thank you commenting so nicely.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — October 14, 2020 @ 07:03 | Reply

  12. I really enjoyed your photos of your visit to the Arctic Circle. It’s a beautiful area, although I’m sure the businesses were suffering from the lack of tourists. Small businesses here in the mountains of Tennessee are having a terrible time because tourism has been way down.

    Comment by seniorhiker — October 13, 2020 @ 16:39 | Reply

    • Hello George.

      There small boutiques closed Let’s how long this situation lasts. Thank you.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — October 14, 2020 @ 07:08 | Reply

  13. Could easily be in America, too, e.g. in Alaska. It really looks like it.

    Comment by Pit — October 13, 2020 @ 17:26 | Reply

    • Hello Pit.

      Yes, indeed. You are right. Thank commenting.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — October 14, 2020 @ 07:09 | Reply

  14. Lovely tour! It was a beautiful day at 71* or 22* .. just right for walking. The video was well done, they made the song come alive. Thanks for sharing.

    Comment by Deb — October 13, 2020 @ 18:14 | Reply

    • Hello Deb.

      Thank you. I am glad that you checked my music corner. I agree that the video is excellent, but to me the good music is just what I love. I do not know if there is “too much” music which could be known as back ground music. The bland music, which you even do not notice, going in from one ear and coming out from the other. This music is listenable. It goes direct to the soul, feels good, enjoyable and gives a desire that it could listened again. There was one person before you who loved it also. 🙂

      Have a wonderful day!

      Comment by Sartenada — October 14, 2020 @ 07:46 | Reply

  15. It seems very enjoyable place.

    Comment by 洋子 — October 13, 2020 @ 18:42 | Reply

    • Hello Yoko-san.

      Yes, it is! It has excellent situation, because the town called Rovaniemi is near to it This makes easy to reach from Helsinki by plane. Thank you.


      Comment by Sartenada — October 14, 2020 @ 07:54 | Reply

  16. What a special place this is! So romantic and beautiful! I love how they built that little Santa village!

    Comment by Erika — October 13, 2020 @ 19:24 | Reply

    • Hello Erika.

      I am glad that you commented this post. The place is very near to my heart. Thank you.

      Have nice day!

      Comment by Sartenada — October 14, 2020 @ 08:00 | Reply

      • I understand you well. It must be truly magical. Thank you for sharing this with us. Have a lovely day too!

        Comment by Erika — October 14, 2020 @ 17:19 | Reply

  17. Some lovely photos from Rovaniemi Matti. One day hopefully I’ll get there. Hoe you are both keeping well. Marion

    Comment by Little Miss Traveller — October 13, 2020 @ 19:48 | Reply

    • Hello Marion.

      Thank you praising my post. I wish that you could visit there someday!

      Have a wonderful day!

      Comment by Sartenada — October 14, 2020 @ 08:08 | Reply

      • I hope so too Matti. We’ll just have to be patient and hopefully things will improve. Best wishes, Marion

        Comment by Little Miss Traveller — October 14, 2020 @ 10:31 | Reply

  18. Such beautiful photos Matti! I don’t know what I would have expected when I thought “Arctic Circle” – something frosty or snowy perhaps even though it is Summertime/early Fall. I like the colors and it’s very colorful throughout, mostly reds which make it very cheery too. We have many deer/vehicle crashes in the Fall, especially in one county not near me, but very rural, but even the area near Lake Erie Metropark is out in the open, very rural and soon it will be mating season and the deer chase one another with no regard for the passing cars so you have to be on the alert. I can see taking 800 photos – there is a lot to take in here. I unfortunately could not find music corner, but it is the end of the day and my eyes are tired and perhaps I missed it – I went through a couple of times after reading the post. I will try again tomorrow. Thank you for sharing this adventure Matti!

    Comment by Linda Schaub — October 14, 2020 @ 03:31 | Reply

    • Hello Linda.

      I am glad that you left your kind comment. Well, the link to the music video before the Spanish text. Here it is:
      Ghost riders in the sky

      Have a nice day!

      Comment by Sartenada — October 14, 2020 @ 08:16 | Reply

      • I saw that Matti and clicked it and didn’t go anywhere – I guess it is me, so will click it now and write separately.

        Comment by Linda Schaub — October 15, 2020 @ 02:19 | Reply

      • Thank you Matti – you know, I have listened to that song in the past, don’t know where, perhaps a movie with a western theme? I like that and I like the great background while he played on that electric guitar. Thanks for sending me the link. I have not forgotten about the other links you send me – they are in the post about Finland in my comments. I have been trying to get to sleep earlier and tonight likely won’t make it to Reader at all, since I did a post today … have a good day tomorrow Matti.

        Comment by Linda Schaub — October 15, 2020 @ 02:27 | Reply

        • Hi Linda.

          I am glad that you loved my music from my memory lane. I wanted to show, that there has been good music before modern times, but it has been forgotten. You were the third who loved it in this post. Last time there were four. Anyway, it is good to me.

          Everyone of us has our own music styles, but I am sure that there exists music, which is generally pleasant for everyone. Music is also a universal language, meaning that we love it. The world of music is generally speaking interesting, it is like literature– the offer is huge, why we love this kind of literary / music, why we do not love other kind. These “rules” are valid for films and series. Summa summarum, we are individuals. Thank you.

          Well, can nearly 12 million people be wrong listening to this record?

          Have a wonderful day!

          Comment by Sartenada — October 15, 2020 @ 06:43 | Reply

          • You are correct Matti – and, here we have an era where we don’t even have to go to the store to buy our music as you/I have both done in the past. Now we just hop over to YouTube and can find about any song we want. We have no excuse not to listen to beautiful music that has stood the test of time.

            I really do not understand the music that is popular today and I don’t listen to current music, just music that I can sing to, or understand the lyrics of, or simply songs like this one that stir the soul.

            Enjoy your Friday Matti.

            Comment by Linda Schaub — October 16, 2020 @ 02:29 | Reply

            • Hello Linda.

              The last paragraph in your comment is just the way I think and feel. I am very happy when I you wrote your comment. I do not like modern music eighter. I understand that taste of music changes, but I do not understand modern music as I said, because it is missing two important elements. Many times, we have discussed about this with my wife and we and we have become to the conclusion that some people never have heard the good old music that goes straight to the soul. I think it’s up to the radio stations. On what basis they define music is a mystery to me. I can only guess.

              In my country we have few radio stations which play the music which we love. Because these stations exist, we are not alone with our taste. Because I know some languages, I have listed to many radio stations from South and Central America. Amazing is that their music world is totally different from the world in which English is the dominant language. I can say that their music taste is near to my mind with listenable music. Music can be slow or fast, but it must have distinct rhythm and melody. These two words are key words and basic elements me when listening music. Rhythm gets fingers to tap and melody makes me to hum and sometimes even to whistle. In my country we have yet some dance pavilions and they offer the partner dance which is naturally popular. These dance pavilions are mainly by the shores of beautiful lakes. Do you have any kind of these kind of dance pavilions? Thank you.

              Have a wonderful day!

              Comment by Sartenada — October 16, 2020 @ 06:55 | Reply

              • Hi Matti – We are in agreement – I do not understand the music today … it is rap music, or just spoken words and it appears that there is no talent involved. I certainly would not call that “music” nor would I call it “singing” … in fact, I included that song in last year’s “Mutt Strut” event and that is not music by my definition, but I used the song since I used that same song for my blog title. I find myself listening to songs that we here in the States call “oldies” and that may be from the 1950s through the 1970s … those songs I remember from hearing them so much and I know them by heart. Anything later, I turn the radio off if they come on.

                We do not have anything like you do in your country Matti. Many years ago, along the Detroit River they had various ethnic festivals … that is what they called them collectively “The Ethnic Festivals” and they took place from May through early September. Each week, there was a different ethnic group featured and they had native dances, that country’s food and drink specialties … we used to go on our lunch hours as I worked in the downtown area. But they stopped doing that.

                When I was on the Scandinavian trip, we visited the Skansen Open-Air Museum in Stockholm as part of our tour and spent an evening there and one of the attractions was folk dancing to native music.

                Have a good Saturday Matti.

                Comment by Linda Schaub — October 17, 2020 @ 01:35 | Reply

                • Hello Linda.

                  Someday I will present this, because it is music – I think:

                  Paul Anka – Adam and Eve

                  In midsummer, we have also folk dancing in Helsinki. But every summer we have these:

                  Airing national costumes1

                  Airing national costumes2

                  Happy Saturday you also.

                  BTW, Paul Anka, who was Canadian-American singer, visited Helsinki in August 1959.

                  Comment by Sartenada — October 17, 2020 @ 07:19 | Reply

                  • Hi Matti – I have never heard this song by Paul Anka. I have heard “Puppy Love” and “Diana” but don’t remember hearing that song before – I like it! I did not know Paul Anka was Canadian-American, so I learned something from your comment. I looked at the costumes here – I like to see native costumes and when we had the ethnic festivals they did dance in native costumes. I had a Polish friend and he used to dance in various Polish festivals in native dress. I’ve not seen him since we were in school many years ago – we were on the college newspaper together. I traveled with friends to Spain in 1974 and the woman was born in Spain and moved to the states when she married an American serviceman. They took me to a club to see Flamenco dancing – that was fun, the costumes, the castanets. My father was German and when I was younger, I went with my parents to the Germania Club and they had an oom-pah-pah band and women and men in the German native dress,those dirndl skirts and lederhosen respectively. Thank you for these links Matti.

                    Comment by Linda Schaub — October 18, 2020 @ 01:42 | Reply

                    • Hello Linda.

                      Amazing . You have not heard Adam and Eve! Well, this verifies how wide variety music is in our world!

                      We have a dance type called Humppa, when comparing the names with oom-pah-pah, we can guess that they must have something joint. Wikipedia says this way:


                      During the years Humppa has changed and developed. Here is an example played on an accordion:

                      Jätkän Humppa (Bloke’s Humppa)

                      Thank you again. I think that let’s have a break with music comments until my next post. Happy Sunday. Matti

                      Comment by Sartenada — October 18, 2020 @ 08:06

                    • It does sound like an oom-pah-pah band. I played the accordion for several years. Took lessons when we lived in Canada and when we moved to the U.S., there were no places to continue the lessons, so the accordion is sitting downstairs in its case. This is a picture of me playing the accordion … I think it was taken the same day as the photo taken with Skippy the parakeet, in Friday’s post:

                      Oktoberfest – not your wurst nightmare!

                      Comment by Linda Schaub — October 19, 2020 @ 02:44

                    • Hello Linda.

                      Amazing! I will visit the link and leave my comment there. Thank you.

                      Have a great start of new week.

                      Comment by Sartenada — October 19, 2020 @ 06:36

                    • Thank you – another rainy day here Matti … second in a row, so hopefully better tomorrow.

                      Comment by Linda Schaub — October 20, 2020 @ 02:59

                    • Same here – cold, wet, windy and raining. Thank you.

                      Comment by Sartenada — October 20, 2020 @ 06:54

  19. Wow, you venture that far that north! I think you went to such an isolated place that even COVID-19 couldn’t follow you! Love that you continue to chase reindeer throughout your travels, and I can’t wait to see more of what you get up to in Finland and beyond. 🙂

    Comment by Rebecca — October 14, 2020 @ 04:40 | Reply

    • Hello Rebecca.

      Thank you commenting. Well, reindeer photos will wait now. My next post shows something which always amaze drivers thru the forests and forests.

      Have a nice day!

      Comment by Sartenada — October 14, 2020 @ 08:23 | Reply

  20. Hello Matti-san,
    I am sorry for my late visit. I enjoyed seeing these special views of the Far North. I agree, despite being “the North” there is much vibrant colors, so beautiful. Thank you for sharing, and our best wishes to you and your wife. Have a great week (and weekend)!

    Comment by T Ibara Photo — October 14, 2020 @ 15:38 | Reply

    • Hello Takami.

      Thank you for your kind words. I am glad you did have interest in my country and in this case in our northernmost parts.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — October 15, 2020 @ 06:32 | Reply

  21. Amazing how few other people were there. You nearly had the place to yourselves!

    Comment by tanjabrittonwriter — October 16, 2020 @ 01:51 | Reply

    • Hello Tanja.

      Reason is Covid-19! Thank you commenting.

      Have a great day!

      Comment by Sartenada — October 16, 2020 @ 07:01 | Reply

      • Which is exactly the point you made. I knew that, but it was just so noticeable.

        Comment by tanjabrittonwriter — October 17, 2020 @ 23:47 | Reply

        • This was a real shock for us who visit there quite often. Happy Sunday!

          Comment by Sartenada — October 18, 2020 @ 07:06 | Reply

  22. Wao! 北極圏!
    I have never seen here, maybe.
    I want to go here.
    Thank you for your photos. I can see into your photos.
    Have good weekend!

    Comment by キース — October 17, 2020 @ 10:30 | Reply

    • Hello Keith.

      Thank you very much leaving your comment. It is worth for a visit. The classic photo is to stand on both sides of the Arctic Circle, as my wife showed!!! 🙂


      Comment by Sartenada — October 17, 2020 @ 10:40 | Reply

  23. Hello (^^)
    I enjoyed the wonderful pictures of the Arctic town. It’s difficult to get to the Arctic Circle from Japan, but it made me feel like I was in your picture.

    Have a good day.

    Comment by saganhama — October 17, 2020 @ 11:40 | Reply

    • Hello Saganhama.

      Yes, indeed. It is far away. When Covid-19 is over, then you can fly with Finnair to Helsinki and from Helsinki to Rovaniemi. From Rovaniemi to the Arctic circle by bus / taxi. The trip is short about 8 kilometers.

      With Finnair, you can easily reach Fukuoka, Nagoya, Osaka, Sapporo and Tokyo via Helsinki-Vantaa Airport. Flights are operated several times a week. flight are non-stop flights. Direct flights take about 9 hours 25 minutes. Flight times from Tokyo to Helsinki is about 10 hours 15 minutes. Also, JAL flies to Helsinki, but at this moment their flights seem to / might be to suspended. Thank you for your kind comment.


      Comment by Sartenada — October 17, 2020 @ 12:02 | Reply

  24. How fabulous to visit here. It’s literally at the opposite end of the world from us.

    Comment by the eternal traveller — October 19, 2020 @ 03:13 | Reply

    • Hi Carol.

      It is one of the most visited place in my country. Thank you for your kind comment.

      Have a wonderful day!

      Comment by Sartenada — October 19, 2020 @ 06:38 | Reply

  25. Love those hats in that shop 🙂

    Comment by imagesbytdashfield — October 21, 2020 @ 13:27 | Reply

    • Hello.

      Those hats are made to resist the cold up to -40°C / -40°F! I have quite similar which can be used in -35°C / -31°F. This means that my brains are operating at these temperatures. 🙂 Thank you visiting my blog and leaving your kind comment in this post.

      Have a wonderful day!

      Comment by Sartenada — October 22, 2020 @ 06:34 | Reply

  26. Such a neat little post. I enjoyed reading this.

    Comment by Geri Lawhon — December 2, 2020 @ 17:35 | Reply

    • Hello Geri.

      Thank you visiting my blog and leaving your kind comment.

      Have a good day!

      Comment by Sartenada — December 3, 2020 @ 07:45 | Reply

  27. My family lived in Rovaniemi. I had visited as a child. Yes, it was truly cold. My eyelashes froze to my face as the bitter wind made my eyes water. After we entered the store, mother said, “Just wait and the ice will melt and you can open your eyes again.” I will always remember that day!

    Comment by Simply Splendid Food — March 30, 2021 @ 17:22 | Reply

    • Hello.

      Awesome! Rovaniemi is at the Arctic Circle! Thank you visiting my blog. Have a good day.

      Comment by Sartenada — March 31, 2021 @ 09:26 | Reply

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